
The Year In Numbers

I realize that it might be a little premature to make a post of this nature, but I was thinking about it the other day and the way this year has gone I'm glad to recap it and face the future as soon as possible. All of the numbers are projected for year end.

Friends who have moved: 13

Deaths: 2

Seriously ill relatives: 5

Apartments: 5

Total hours slept: somewhere between 12 and 137

Days at the beach: 6

Final Kickball rank: 2nd

Period of celibacy: 14 months, 3 weeks, 2 days

Panic attacks: 37,000

Good times: 37,001

I think that this is the first year that I can look back and realize that there is a clear lesson I have learned. And it's not about breaking laws, or holding my tongue, or doing unto others as I would blah, blah, blah... It's that there is no opportune time. This year has taught me that life will not only kick you when you're down, but it will beat you within an inch of you life, spit in your face, rape your sister, laugh, and then curb stomp you. And you'll live. And that's what I've learned, is to keep living. I've learned to keep my guard down and still be prepared for what life throws at me. I've learned that everyday has the potential to be a shit show and there's nothing I can do about it. And it's not that I've learned to be apathetic, it's that I've learned the duality of being relaxed and prepared, to manage what I have control over and make the best of the rest. I've learned that people will shock me, and all I can do is try to understand. I've learned how to let go, and I've learned to hold on to what is important.

So as yet another batch of close friends get ready to make the exodus away from this wonderful, fucked up place, it's hard to not look back on all of the drinks, tears, and laughs we shared here. This town and this year brought us all together and there's absolutely no way I could have gotten through without every single one of you. You're amazing.


O-Face said...

why just last night you said it was 13months and one week...which is it?

Ryan said...

Currently it is 13 months, 1 week, but by the end of the year...