
This Is Me, Who Are You?

Dear _________,

Hey, it's been a while. How are you? How's the family? I'm doing well. Thanks again for the money! Even though my birthday isn't until the end of next month, it was still nice to receive and was quite the pleasant surprise. The weather's been incredibly nice although I hear it's suppose to get pretty ugly next week. School's good, thanks for asking. I'm learning a lot. The city is really nice this time of year. I was able to see some friends recently who came out for a weekend, that was quite a pleasant surprise as well. I'm trying to write as much music as I can while I have the time, but my neighbor blasts music all day long only interrupting it to play jazz saxophone and it makes it hard to concentrate on what I'm working on. Oh well, I suppose that's translated into me staying up until 3am to get work done. I think I'm driving in a 1988 Jamboree back to Montana for a few days this summer, the only catch is that I have to wear a captain's hat when I'm driving (I think that's very humorous and fun).

Nothing else is really new. I'm finding that I'm listening less and less to mindless dance and rap and more and more to good "real" music. Are you doing the same? Maybe it's because I've moved away from a mindless town that I've completely lost my affection for those genres. Although I never really had that much real love for them anyways. I suppose you could say it was a wonderful little college fling I had with them. Now I suppose it's time to settle back down with something serious, like indie, rock, folk, jazz, symphonic, etc. Those genres seem like they would hold down a job better and would be much more suitable parents/guardians. I remember a long relationship I had with indie a while back, it was really nice. Indie and I still managed to hook up frequently in college while I was seeing those other genres as well. Indie was always right for me, *sigh*. I wasted time and youth on those mindless genres only for their superficial qualities. I think I'm ready to go-steady again with Indie. Not that I won't listen to dance/rap's equivalent of porn from time to time, I just don't think I'm interesting in seeing a dance/rap genre seriously ever again. Hahaha, remember when I was hooking-up with mash-ups for a while?!!! What was I thinking?! I should probably go get tested after that one.

But I digress...Any big plans for the future? I built my first pre-amp today, would you like it? It even has a phantom power switch for those condenser mics we all love. Did you get the gift I sent for the holidays? I hope it fits, I remember you wear a medium right? Anyways, I'll leave you with some stuff I've been impressed with lately. Here's a great clip of NJ kids Titus Andronicus that I really enjoy, see if David likes it too (haha, we know he won't right?).
Also, here's an Atlas Sound song that makes me really happy, Springtime (instrumental) click here! Remember that time we took that drive up to the lake in the late spring? That was awesome, I've never been so glad to jump in the freezing water than when I was chased by those bees. Bees sure hate water.


And finally I have enclosed a live clip of Japandroids, a Vancouver band that has caught my eye (or should I say, EARS?! hahahaha). I hope you like them too. I've thought of other little puns and word play based on Japan: Japandrew Japson, Japand 1, Japples, Japantibiotics, Japanti-hystamine blockers make me drowsy, door japandales, Japandemic (Swine Flu joke!), Japanti-semites, Japamela Japanderson, I could go on for days. Remember that one time we went to the bar on a really busy friday night, and instead of socializing with other people we just drank, smoked cigarrettes and made puns and such?! Remember that girl that we pissed off with the horse puns? ("I've a horse throat, it's really long and has a mane?") Yea, I don't really either, we were all pretty drunk. Anyways, hope to hear from you soon!

Your friend always,

This Is The Part Where I Reveal How Un-Hip/Behind The Times I Am...

Until very, very recently, I was not a reader of Pitchfork. And not only was I not a reader, or a fan, but I was vehemently opposed to the entire publication. For absolutely no rational reason. I had no grounds on which to base my judgement because I had never even skimmed the publication. I can't even say that I was opposed to it on principle. Somewhere along the line I simply developed a negative opinion.

And now I can't stop trolling the pages. I check the site a couple times a day. I'm sure to read their review of any album I'm acquiring. I'm hooked. It's probably about time I start wearing a kafiya and tricking on a fixed gear.

Coffee and Pitchfork: my new vices.


stupid or not...

the swine flu may be a joke, but it's even more hilarious when the first case in chicago is discovered at a elementary school five blocks from your apartment.  and all the pork is on sale at the neighborhood groceries.  so amanda and i have been joking about the pandemic all day, and it never loses its humor.

but the neighborhood is a bit quiet tonight.  maybe a little too quiet........

(postscript from blogger:
These characters are not allowed in a post label: &.)


I Like Lists

Things I like and/or am interested in this week:

-  Railroads
-  Peter Gabriel
-  Japandroids (thanks Eric)
-  The rise of the American Industrial Complex
-  Deep fried pizza
-  Opening a restaurant
-  Looking good in a bow tie
-  Having two separate personal blogs for absolutely no reason
-  Coffee
-  Convincing Danielle to visit Seattle

Things I do not like and/or am not interested in this week:

-  Jaydiohead
-  Being poor
-  Snow
-  My insanely screwed up, split-shift sleep schedule
-  The word "cahoots"
-  People who think the past tense of "forego" is "foregoo"
-  Being gaunt
-  That there is a training process to work for Cha Cha
-  Not having a phone
-  Needing to shave


Swine Flu? Whatevs.

It's that time again! "What time?" you ask. Fucked up pandemic time!

I first read about swine flu on a French news site and my initial thoughts were: a) this is a fucking joke, or b) my French has gotten so bad that I'm mistranslating something here... SWINE flu?! I guess it's a good thing I don't like Mexico. Or pigs. Or people who hang out with pigs. Seriously, though, haven't we learned anything from SARS? In a few months this will have blown over and this time next year we'll be freaking out about dolphin flu, or something equally ridiculous. (I know that people are dying, which is sad and all, but that's how natural population control works.)

What I'm more worried about is how someone at the White House thought it would be a good idea to do a low altitude "photo shoot" of Air Force One over Tribeca. WHAT THE FUCK? That person should be on the first flight to Mexico.


P.S. This is for Jon: &


Tonight I'll Dream of Deep-Fried Butter,

and it will be the best dream ever.

From top: deep-fried pepperoni pizza, fried chicken and waffles, and The Bacone: a bacon cone filled with scrambled eggs and country gravy topped with a biscuit.

You know what's a bad idea?

Browsing This Is Why You're Fat at 11:30 pm. Especially when you haven't eaten since approximately 9:00 am because you've consumed far too many stimulants and kindofsortof forgot that food was like, necessary.

I know it's just cleverly-shaped, edible, food-like substances (can you tell I've been reading Michael Pollan?), but I think I would sell my unborn children for a deep-fried pizza right about now...*

Ok. I'm going to go eat some carrots (and pretend they've been battered and deep-fried).

*I feel I should mention here that I can't even remember the last time I had deep-fried anything, so I don't need anyone to point out that this crap will kill me. I know: that's why I don't eat it. But I can dream.


indie cribz

the village voice does an amazing indie rock knock off of mtv's cribs, called of course indie cribz.  you should all check it out.  it's very entertaining, and so far they've done episodes with matt and kim and parts and labor........ and it also hammers home the point that all of us kids live in apartments that are all too too small...........

(and by the way, when the FUCK did they not allow you to use ampersands in blogger?  fucking retarded.....)


As of late, it seems, I haven't been able to listen to enough music. I was on a bit of a drought for awhile, but now I find myself needing to listen to something, everything. And I've had just about enough of new music. Nothing really seems to be hitting the spot, except the "Dark Was The Night" compilation. I think I've mentioned this before, but there is some amazing stuff on this two disc comp. Most recently, I've been listening to Yeasayer's "Tightrope" on repeat. Give it a listen here. The rest of the comp can be found here.

The other song that has been on heavy rotation lately is "Bridges and Balloons" by Joanna Newsom. I've never been a huge Newsom fan, but I find myself needing desperately to listen to this song. (Listen here.) A large factor of this could be that it is featured in Dedication, a movie that I watch at least five times a week. If you torrent, please, please download this movie. It was only released in theaters so you're really not hurting anyone by downloading it. I know there are a few torrents available here, but I can't remember which one I used. Aside from being Justin Theroux's directorial debut, it has an awesome soundtrack that is full of Deerhoof.



Yet another patent that should have been mine... This time, The PediSedate: an attachment for the Gameboy (or iPod, or whatever) that dispenses nitrous oxide. But don't get too excited--it's for use by professionals only.

I wish I'd had one when I was a kid: it would've made even the shittiest games I owned (i.e. "Alfred's Chicken" or "We're Back!") exciting.

Jump on the spring, dive into the balloon. Jump on the spring, dive into the balloooo... oooOOoo! Ba... loooo... nnnnneeeee.... What's this weird thing attached to my hand? Chicken? Chick-a-chick-a-chick-ken-ken-ke-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Here's a gloriously lame video (with a smidge of 'graphic' content) explaining why The PediSedate is the greatest thing since whip-its.(Note the kid, staring at his hand, STONED OUT HIS FUCKING MIND. Oh, and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" playing in the background.)

Wish I had one now. I could fall asleep while playing "Super Mario World 2," happy and numb... instead of staying up all night playing it.

(Via Technologizer)

Totally Random Postscript: Does anyone else feel like "Gifted" by N.A.S.A. (featuring Kayne, Santogold, and Lykke Li) should have been... I don't know... better?

N.A.S.A. - "Gifted" video from Anti Records on Vimeo.


2 Girls 1 Tribute

We all know and love 2 Girls 1 Cup, right? Apparently not as much as some people.

I recommend clicking on it to read it in its entirety.

the ultimate:


No clink for Number 3: The Rapist! Though it was scary as shit and now I have to meet with them every day for the next 60. Sorry for the stress kids.

Love y'all.

breaking the trends.

according to the census bureau, only 12% of americans moved last year to a new home.  i guess that makes us trend breakers.  or not dissuaded by the recession.  

i love articles that cite trends among the general american public.  i tend to compare those stats with how i match up.  the economy isn't going to stop me from doing what i want to do.  i just might eat less than i did before..........


Here's The Story

I hate to bring the tone of this blog down to such seriousness, so I'm apologizing in advance. But I wanted to let everyone know what's going on in my life, because I'm not sure how to let everyone know individually.

Things with my P.O. have always been a little rough. We certainly got off to a poor start based on my lack of knowledge of the workings of the system. I also get a sense that he's not comfortable with homosexuality, which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as everyone is treated equally, but I feel like it has created a bit of tension in our relationship.

I met with my P.O. last Friday and felt that I had good news: I feel confident that I will soon have a job at James Bar, and I'm waiting for my tax return (nearly $900) which will be put toward my restitution. I haven't been able to make many payments toward my restitution or fees because I've been between jobs quite a bit. This has created issues.

I was informed that on Wednesday I will be attending an intervention hearing, at which an Intervention Officer will hear my defense as to why my probation should not be revoked. If it is revoked, I will have to go in front of a judge to be resentenced, which includes the possibility of time in prison. If it is not revoked, further action will be decided in house.

I wanted to let you guys know this because in the case that my probation is revoked, I have a feeling that they are going to put me in jail until I go in front of a judge, which means that I would have no means of informing anyone. In the case that I don't get put in the clink, I'll post here immediately and inform everyone via various forms of communique.

Again, I'm sorry about this. I don't want you guys to worry about me. I always come out on top.

Love you kids more than you know.


Quotes from The Weekend

AB: Definitely.

AH: Do you collect pizza boxes?

AB: My feet are so claustrophobic!

AB: The rest is for you. (Telling our waitress that she could keep the $.38 change from our bill.)

CB: Let's have a cigarette and talk about it. (Pause.) Okay, let's do it.

RC: Hey, Abi. I'm so excited to beat the shit out of you right now!

RC: I really just want to give her a hug! (About the hostess at Linda's, who is O-Face's doppelgänger. I definitely nearly gave her a hug when we were leaving but then I thought she might feel accosted.)

AH: What should we do tonight?
RC: I don't know. We should get a Stranger.
AB: To do what?! (She thought we meant a person.)

AB: The Dutch boy definitely got a hand job.

ES: We totally scared that pimp!

AB: These shoes are Satanic.

AB: I got my boobs touched and made out.
RC: And this little piggy had none.

Hey Eric,

This girl wins:

Via NOTCOT. From an Arrested Motion blurb about Audrey Kawasaki-inspired tattoos.

Personal Blogs = Bane

Our blog has dwindle in content because everyone has their own personal blog now and isn't writing on the group one. I for one vote that everyone neglects their personal blogs over the group on the basis that although I love you all, I'm afraid it's not enough to go checking everyone's respective personal blogs.

Myspace deleted this photo from my profile because apparently it is "too violent" and its content is not suitable to other myspace veiwers to see.


Get Back Over Here Alison, and Bring Mr. White With You

So, while loitering in the cold, pissing, living weather, a contingency of Jersey muses insisted on placing a spell on not one, but three door guys; the magic portal thus allowing me to walk past them unnoticed.  I choose to think in terms of pure rationality, but sometimes these foundations are rattled, as to the existence of magic and muses and such.  Here is some culled videos from my shaky hands:

This photo, as poor as it is, is the lovely lady playing a Bo Diddley guitarra:

If I had any idea that my mediocre camera would pick up any legible sounds, there would be much more than this here.  So it goes. 


Move over Allison, There's a New Rock Crush

Uhmm, uhh, excuse me while I clear my throat.  This lady bang bangs all the soundmakers too (though I kinda dig the remixes more...):



a reason to visit chicago.

if hanging out with amanda and myself is not incentive enough*, the music fests chicago has to offer over the summer are amazing.  i won't bother you with the insane details of pitchfork fest, but i will tell you how we get to see handsome furs and flosstradamus at the division street party for a donation of a mere five dollars, and that same night we get to bounce down the street to the empty bottle to see holy fuck and the crocodiles.....and its on my birthday weekend (may 30th).  

so you kids should forget sasquatch and visit chicago.  it will be much cheaper and more fun than those other much touted over hipstered fests.......

*and perhaps ben when he actually moves here

What I've Been Reading (or: Noone else is writing so I will)

I ride the bus a lot. So instead of dealing with totally psychotic individuals on the 3 & 4, I sequester my self in my small square section of the bench seat quietly reading and listening to music. One of the books I've been reading is Among the Thugs (seriously Blogspot, no underlines) by Bill Buford. Written in 1990 it chronicles English football supporters in the late 1980s (not, mind you, hooligans as they often unconvincingly remind the author) throughout their matches and journeys abroad, all while attending football fixtures. It becomes an in-depth, sociological inquiry into why exactly these individuals behave the way they do in groups. Some ways into the book, it becomes an examination not of a gang or large mob of people but an animalistic subculture. It's fucking great, and a fascinating and shocking read. One of Obama's top national security advisors credits the book as a solid look into terrorism and group violence, the article is available here. Great read, very interesting and very absorbing. I recommend it. I finally understand why there was a fifteen foot fence and a concrete moat around the terraces where I stood at an Udinese game (see picture below). Here is the closest piece of video media I could find related to the subject (a much calmer group that ONLY targets other firms and not as extreme as those portrayed in the book). Buford does recount the Liverpool - Juventus European Cup tragedy in Belgium seen in part 5:

Oh yea, I'm also reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being and The Stranger


I Have to Find This B-Movie!

If you haven't seen this...its totally amazing, and if you have seen this it's still totally amazing...