
Tonight I'll Dream of Deep-Fried Butter,

and it will be the best dream ever.

From top: deep-fried pepperoni pizza, fried chicken and waffles, and The Bacone: a bacon cone filled with scrambled eggs and country gravy topped with a biscuit.

You know what's a bad idea?

Browsing This Is Why You're Fat at 11:30 pm. Especially when you haven't eaten since approximately 9:00 am because you've consumed far too many stimulants and kindofsortof forgot that food was like, necessary.

I know it's just cleverly-shaped, edible, food-like substances (can you tell I've been reading Michael Pollan?), but I think I would sell my unborn children for a deep-fried pizza right about now...*

Ok. I'm going to go eat some carrots (and pretend they've been battered and deep-fried).

*I feel I should mention here that I can't even remember the last time I had deep-fried anything, so I don't need anyone to point out that this crap will kill me. I know: that's why I don't eat it. But I can dream.


Ryan said...

I'll take two of everything. Hold the gravy.

Ben said...

The deep-fried pizza picture brings me right to the brink of throwing up in my mouth. Ugh... not okay on any level.*

*Really, the emphasis should read as follows: Not. Okay. On. Any. Level.

O-Face said...

I could get down and jam with that bacon-egg-cone thing. Gimme that shit.