
indie cribz

the village voice does an amazing indie rock knock off of mtv's cribs, called of course indie cribz.  you should all check it out.  it's very entertaining, and so far they've done episodes with matt and kim and parts and labor........ and it also hammers home the point that all of us kids live in apartments that are all too too small...........

(and by the way, when the FUCK did they not allow you to use ampersands in blogger?  fucking retarded.....)


Ben said...


Dallas said...

Oh man... I was going to post a row of &'s. Damn. You snooze, you lose, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for posting this. Good to know that even successful, talented people live in squalor and depravity.

tinygrooves said...

no for serious. try posting an & in the main text or the blog tags. it will not let you.........

Ryan said...

Squalor? Depravity? Trust me, having lived in NY and looked at a lot of terrifyingly shitty apartments, they've got it pretty good. Except for the whole no gas thing... Con Ed can suck it.

Aa said...

Ryan is totally on this one. Their Williamsburg apartments are nothing to scoff at. They are super expensive and really quite large for the area.

I now have no qualms about downloading music from these bands. They have too much money as it is.

Dallas said...

It doesn't matter how nice those apartments could be.

It doesn't matter how expensive the neighborhood those apartments are in. At least two of the featured artists live in squalor.

I realize that 'squalor' is often associated with poverty, but it also means 'extremely dirty/characterized by filth.' Re-watch the P&L tours, then tell me they're not dirty.

Also, I think depravity is subjective. I could argue that they're morally corrupt all night, if I cared to.

So pbllllt.