
Here's The Story

I hate to bring the tone of this blog down to such seriousness, so I'm apologizing in advance. But I wanted to let everyone know what's going on in my life, because I'm not sure how to let everyone know individually.

Things with my P.O. have always been a little rough. We certainly got off to a poor start based on my lack of knowledge of the workings of the system. I also get a sense that he's not comfortable with homosexuality, which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as everyone is treated equally, but I feel like it has created a bit of tension in our relationship.

I met with my P.O. last Friday and felt that I had good news: I feel confident that I will soon have a job at James Bar, and I'm waiting for my tax return (nearly $900) which will be put toward my restitution. I haven't been able to make many payments toward my restitution or fees because I've been between jobs quite a bit. This has created issues.

I was informed that on Wednesday I will be attending an intervention hearing, at which an Intervention Officer will hear my defense as to why my probation should not be revoked. If it is revoked, I will have to go in front of a judge to be resentenced, which includes the possibility of time in prison. If it is not revoked, further action will be decided in house.

I wanted to let you guys know this because in the case that my probation is revoked, I have a feeling that they are going to put me in jail until I go in front of a judge, which means that I would have no means of informing anyone. In the case that I don't get put in the clink, I'll post here immediately and inform everyone via various forms of communique.

Again, I'm sorry about this. I don't want you guys to worry about me. I always come out on top.

Love you kids more than you know.


tinygrooves said...

good luck. make sure you try to call someone that has a groundline if they throw you in jail. collect calls to cell phones are a bitch.

but i bet you'll be fine.........

Eric said...

You know that we'd break you out of prison if it ever came down to that, right? I'll have O-Face tattoo a blueprint of the prison's schematics on my back ("What do you see? What do you smell?!"). I'll then hold up a Burger King for some Whopper Jrs, shoot a cop in a leg, become incarcerated and sell our story to the Fox Network in hopes of adapting it into a crime-drama. More details to follow...

O-Face said...

Make sure they all know that your nickname is "Number 3: The Rapist".

That'll save you some trouble.

Good luck buddy.

Ryan said...

HA! I completely forgot about Number 3: The Rapist. That's amazing. Maybe the clink ain't so bad... That's a lie.