
breaking the trends.

according to the census bureau, only 12% of americans moved last year to a new home.  i guess that makes us trend breakers.  or not dissuaded by the recession.  

i love articles that cite trends among the general american public.  i tend to compare those stats with how i match up.  the economy isn't going to stop me from doing what i want to do.  i just might eat less than i did before..........


Aa said...

It's not at all surprising to hear that the Northeast still has the most people moving (away). When recession hits and you realize that you're paying $1400.00/month for a small one-bedroom apartment with one closet, well...

tinygrooves said...

yeah well hopefully the free market works in our favor and rents go down....

Aa said...

You really need to watch this.


Juan Enriquez is a genius from Harvard and really knows his shit.