
Rachel Maddow Is Incredible


Dallas said...

I read a thing in 'Bitch' today about how everyone wants to lick R.M. from her head to her toes: gay guys love her, gay girls love her, straight republican housewives would go gay for her, etc. The only demographic it didn't mention was straight men. I want to know how they feel about her...

But yeah, this whole 'tea bag washington' movement is HI-larious.

Eric said...

Yea, because here's the thought: Rachael Maddow is no better than any other political pundit that appears on our television screen. She was chosen as a very "progressive, white, alternative voice" for modern America. I disagree, she is as much of a cartoon member of the cable television circuit as any other Anderson Cooper, Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann or Sean Hannity. She is not in anyways great, exceptional, outspoken, revolutionary or groundbreaking. She is just another random talk-radio come visual-pundit the same as the rest. They are simply the self-proclaimed moral voices of society attempting to gain a higher ground to their adversaries via the television producers and networks that are willing to perpetuate their nonsensical BULLSHIT!

Ryan said...

I think someone's been scarred by lesbians...

chaz alcatraz said...

If I wasnt wearing my Fishbone fuck racism shirt right now (that I found while mulling through boxes of childhood odds and ends while in CT, to eat pork tomorrow with my godless family to celebrate the big fiction; or as I like to think of it, celebrate that we all choose to believe in complete fictions in the first place, which allows for all subsequent self/group deceptions i.e. liking each other to follow suit...), I would say something like 'I thought Rachel was a straight man?' but only for a rise, because no one could slap me in person.

confused in hell, J

p.s. I actually think shes fucking amazing, probably biased on my end but this is the first time Ive heard the word teabagging used on mainstream media, and with her cracking up each of the four hundred times its mentioned, how could you not love her...