
On Nothing Noteworthy.

An hour ago, before my internet connection decided to be bitchy, I had a blog planned. A pretty decent blog I think it might have turned out to be, too, involving country music (specifically, Brad Paisley and whippoorwills) and driving up the I-15 (specifically, driving up the I-15 with no cd player/tape deck and getting pulled over twice for going 5 over the speed limit, just because I was driving a car with California plates). But that was an hour ago.

Now, I only have 2 things to say:

1. KBGA has added Frida Hyvonen to the playlist. Which means, I have a new Scandinavian songstress to obsess over for the next couple of weeks, assuming, of course, that the album's not utter shite. If it's only kind of shite, I'll probably still listen to it on repeat.

2. I bought a new toothbrush. It's purple, and electric, and it makes my teeth feel all shiny and clean. I'm quite pleased with it.

(I am going to have to start reading again, in lieu of writing; clearly, I have exhausted my capacity for worthwhile/relevant/entertaining statements.)

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