
MGMT was leaked way to early to feel like 2008

yes ben you were right.  

.......oracular spectacular did come out in 2008.  i so thought you were wrong, and that is why the album didn't make my lists anywhere.  that and the fact that i had a leaked copy in august 2007, much the same as KBGA had started playing it around then (you can blame Tim).  and since vinyl never seems to drop the same day as the cd, it further blurred my memory.

but who really cares.  it would have made my list last year had i published or shared a top 10 with everyone.  can we come to a consensus on what actually constitutes a release date nowadays.  its very confusing terrain........... 

(and ps, MIA is now gracing CSI: Miami with her song Boyz.  take note hipster kids, she is now definitely mainstream.)

1 comment:

Ben said...

Yeah, it's kind of crazy how long we've been hearing these songs. The funny thing is that, according to the date tagged in iTunes for the Time To Pretend EP, some of the best material on Oracular Spectacular was originally recorded in 2005.