
So, I Lied.

I know I said I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I've changed my mind. The other day Ryan and I were perusing PostSecret's latest offering, and saw the following confession:

Upon reading it, we both kind of sighed and said, "Word." I can't speak for Ryan, but I can speak for myself when I say, somewhere along the line, reading--which I love, which used to be my favorite past time--has become something of a chore. I'm just too tired, too brain-dead, too fucking apathetic to open a book. I'm too distracted, too preoccupied to spend the requisite time in bookstores, trying to find something I think could engage my interest for a day or two (which is about how long it takes me to finish a three hundred page novel).

And I feel like less of a person as a result.

So, I'm going to join Ryan in deciding that my new New Year's resolution is to find the time to read more. Fortunately, I spent six hours today locked out of the house where I'm staying. This is fortunate because the house where I'm staying is five blocks away from The Book Exchange, which means, for lack of anywhere else to go, I was forced to hang out and read. I read "Hairstyles of the Damned" this afternoon, and found a copy of "The Cloud Atlas" for a dollar (which is exciting, because that is exactly 1/120th of the amount I ended up paying in late fees when I borrowed it from the Mansfield Library after I lost it before I could read it.)

Hopefully, this will make me feel like a real-live human girl again.

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