
I Don't Believe in Resolutions

(Or how I'm justifying this year so far)

I don't think that it's right to pick one day a year when you tell yourself you'll change. Self improvement is a day-to-day struggle. When I woke up New Years Day I felt the same, only worse. It's just another day, the same you. Or I guess since this is from my p.o.v., the same me.

But if I don't write down the things I want to do in the near future somewhere, I don't see them getting done.

cross-stitch some more
finally finish learning how to play the guitar
tattoo up a storm
stop being such a hopeless romantic
treat myself like i deserve to be treated
and stop talking to my cat. I need some pdx friends.

if you can believe it i was just watching Jerry's Final Thought on the Springer show and I swear he spoke directly to me.
He said,
If you love somebody, it's hard to hear the word "no".
Love isn't about convincing someone to be with you, it's about not having to.
Love isn't an argument, it's a fact.

Thanks, Jerry. I'm working on it.

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