
I Thought I'd Reached The End of The Internet, But Then I Found This, And I Can't NOT Share It With You.

Even though I'm sure you've all already seen it. Because I find it hard to believe that I am the only one here (in this imaginary space that is URFCKD) who checks NOTCOT. But all the same.

Behold! The most awesomely fucked up thing I've found on the internet in a while: The Tenga Egg!

Why is The Tenga Egg the most awesomely fucked up thing I've found on the internet in a while?

The Tenga Egg is hollow. And you see how the different packages have different patterns? The inside of the 'eggs' have corresponding... um... textures.

Why on earth would you texturize the inside of a silicone egg, you ask?

You shouldn't have to ask. You should have figured this out by now.

I totally want to mock this. Or the KJ-San Model ("The Future of Masturbation!"), which is cross-sectioned below.

But I can't. Because if I make fun of The Egg or the KJ-San, I'd have to mock all sex toys. And I don't think I'm ready to do that.

Yeah. Buy all of it here (if you can read Chinese. Or Mandarin. Or Cantonese. Or whatever.)


chaz alcatraz said...

that video has sullied the sanctity of two very pleasant late night institutions for me, for at least a week: 24 hour greasy spoon breakfasts, and sex w or w/out other people. In fact, I don't know if I can shake hands or touch doorknobs without gloves for a while either. I also can't get the phrase "pocket omelet" out of my head...

Dallas said...

Ha. Pocket omelet. That's fantastic.

Ryan said...

Dear Chaz,

It wasn't until the moment I read your comment that I realized (in the shit show that has been the last month) how much I miss you. Give us an update!


chaz alcatraz said...

Very mutual sir... I will update proper-like soon; i'd like to throw some pictures into the mix (which will happen very soon, when I dropkick this troubled and ancient p.c. out of the universe and join the winning team for good with a macbook pro...)