
And With This Statement...

... He wins:

This place [The Golden Rose/Badlander/Savoy] is like Walmart. No, seriously: if you ever want to recreate this in Billings, we could just take a six pack to Walmart and walk around.

-My brother Austin, upon experiencing The Complex for the first time.


O-Face said...

but there arent nearly as many kids running around. otherwise i would have never gone out.

Ryan said...

I said the exact same thing! But otherwise the statement is completely true... so many random people...

chaz alcatraz said...

did people start eating again in missoula? the only thing more annoying to me than kids in a walmart are the fatties who spend ample time obstructing every isle except the one where they put the contraceptives... Props to your brother. I had this whole like-a-ton-of-bricks nostalgia thing happen today, and thinking of complex-as-walmart totally harshes that mellow.