
Ode To Resolutions (or: The Memoirs of Robert Evans)

On the theme of resolutions (not New Year's, just how we wish to change), I'll continue to post with my resolutions for the myself:

1. Write a song a week for the next year (at least).
2. Learn another instrument (outside of my piano, guitar and bass).
3. Cease making mash-ups, no shit. And start doing remixes instead.
4. Much like Olivia, stop being a hopeless romantic. Honestly, I'm emo as shit when I behave like that.
5. Move out of Montana...oh wait.
6. Stand up for myself more often.
7. Read more often.
8. Eat healthier.
9. Stop drinking so much.
10. Enjoy the company of my friends more and never take them for granted.
11. Explore my world, chase my dreams, and be happy while I'm still young.

A friend gave me this book as I was leaving. The book made me happy, the gift made me sad.

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