
A few music videos (or) Why I should have rated The Death Set even higher.

At times I seem to forget to watch music videos. I forget to take a little time to search online for videos by the bands I happen to be listening to. At times I get depressed with the quality ratio of music videos in general. However, I like being reminded that sometimes that search is fun after all.

Things like this bring me immense amounts of joy:

I also think this Fujiya & Miyagi video is growing on me. It's an older video that I remember not quite liking at the time I first saw it. There's something about it, even if its retreading some worn territory:

I watched this video by The Faint with Aaron Young, on my final night in Boston, several times:

My question to you all: what videos have you watched lately and thought were interesting?


O-Face said...

I have spent so much time with a computer that does not have the capacity to play video that now i don't even know where to start. I'm gonna sit this one out.

tinygrooves said...

maybe we should start making music videos for the bands that are too lazy to do their own videos.

maybe with sock puppets.