
My Dad is on Facebook

Fuck. Really?


I had to go through and take down pictures of me and edit posts I have made that would be offensive, because, generally I AM offensive. On the daily. I've just tried to hide it. I guess he's gonna have to find out sometime. Most of the pictures you can't take down, because theyre posted by other people. Thats why I hate Facebook.

If he gets a Myspace I'm never using the internet again.


Ryan said...

I'm so glad my parents are fairly technologically illiterate. Danielle had to ask me the other day to not leave comments on Facebook about her being drunk because she, too, is friends with her father. Ridiculous.

O-Face said...

it's almost as if he left a goddamn note in my lunch box. can't i just have this one precious little bubble? all the more reason for me to not use facebook though so maybe this is a sign.

Dallas said...

I like Facebook.

However, I'm with you on this one.

Eric said...

I'm so sorry O. That's like hearing that your dog has cancer or like the blind child down the street had his bike stolen. It's really sad and depressing. I'll try to keep that in mind next time I write something to you on Facebook. Did you ever consider not accepting his friend request. That would lead to an awkward Christmas dinner.

Eric said...

Follow up comment: I accessed Facebook this morning to find out that the guy that took my yearly pictures growing up (no, not those pictures) requested me as a friend. Here's his profile for reference: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1601712210&pc=1

tinygrooves said...

my mom read my myspace page once and wondered what kind of people i was hanging out with in montana....if only she knew.

but i can say i am glad they don't take the time to socially network on the internet. they're savy enough, but when you're fifty plus years old networking with your acquaintances might not be very interesting or important. i certainly don't want to hear from certain people on facebook thirty years from now. fuck no.

O-Face said...

at least i know ive got support during this whole ordeal.