
Skanky Bogans, or How I've Been Killing Time

I hadn't heard about this show until this week, and have subsequently been watching it endlessly. Summer Heights High is an HBO series that chronicles three characters at an Australian high school, all played by the same actor. There are only seven episodes, with an eighth on the way. The clip below focuses on Ja'mie, a private school transfer who is making new friends at public school. Enjoy.


Dallas said...

I seem to remember having a fairly in depth conversation about this with you and Jes when you still worked at Bagels.

Ryan said...

Hmm... You of all people should know that I often times don't listen to people when they're talking to me. Especially if I'm at work. And I'm not sure that this was even on air back when I still worked there...

Dallas said...

Ok, maybe it wasn't you.

But it was on air. I don't think HBO had picked it up yet, but it WAS on BBC.