
Billings: Or Why I'm Getting Even Further Away From Montana

Ugh. There is really only one or two things I can say I truly love about Billings: My parents and their home, and a handful of close friends that I never get to see anymore. I wish I had a camera here so I could show you the extraordinary large amount of backwards hats, collared polo shirts and failure that exudes from my peers at Hooligans. While I cannot judge them all and I can't say that they're all bad, it seems like a large majority have never left or have left and returned to Billings...despair. Billings is a place that you move back to, or live in, at our age in order to 'lose' at life. The airport isn't international, the city is so spread out that you must have a car (I think there are like three buses throughout the entire city), there are more disgusting casinos than there are trees literally in the same capacity as trees (right next to one another and across the street from one another, I shit you not) and as Ryan said, "[Billings] has seventy thousand shitty little businesses." Thus, I am making my exodus to Seattle.


O-Face said...

it's disgusting. an industrial wasteland with people caught in between.

¡Tony! said...

I went to Hooligans twice in my life. And that's twice too many, so I sympathize.