
Random Thoughts

I feel the need to inform everyone of the conversation Eric and I just had. He was asking for my opinion of his new track and I told him as gingerly as I believe I am capable of being. Here are some highlights:

E: If you were an average person on Thursday night would you dance and perhaps lose your shiv?

R: If you were an average person on any given day would you proof read you texts and perhaps correct your mistakes?

E: No it's a text message so eat a eat cock.


E: I play tracks at around that tempo all the time. People just jump around and shiv.

(I'm beginning to think there's a lot of stabbing I'm missing out on...)

I then told him that I would call him when I was done working to explain my stance and he told me that if I did he would just "cry and cry." Emo Kitten apparently wants a pony. The subsequent phone conversation led to Eric demanding a remix competition and yelling "GO!" repeatedly into the phone until he finally hung up on me. I don't know if this "competition" is actually going to happen, and if it does I'll probably just throw it so Eric feels better and doesn't shiv or shit or something along those lines. Or I'll just remix the remix I'm already working on so it's back to normal...

Also, Louise thinks I should name my mixtape "This My Shits". I don't think my feelings about this can technically be classified as positive.


Dallas said...

All of the goddamn stabbing happened at work today.

Dallas said...

Which is to say, you might have missed it, but I didn't.

tinygrooves said...

lets get o-face to give us matching shiv tattoos

Ben said...

Emo Kitten Wants A Pony is going to be the title of my next album. Or, maybe I'll name it 303s And Clogged Arteries.

Ryan said...

303 is the area code where I grew up in Denver. Also, I'd be down to get a shiv tattoo.

Ben said...

I'd like to revise my previous statement, as I think 303s And Heart Disease is better.

Of course, it raises the question: why am I thinking about this at 4 in the morning? To which I have no good answer.

Eric said...

Remix competition, GO! First prize is a coupon to have the Troll Toll waved. Last place is a shiving. GO!

O-Face said...

I'll give a goddamn shiv tattoo to whoever wants it.


What is the troll toll?

tinygrooves said...

i want a shiv tattoo more than a new remix.

tinygrooves said...

also i only want to shiv people when i'm hungover or in the vicinity of missoula, so needless to say i'll pass on the shiving.