
Get Back Over Here Alison, and Bring Mr. White With You

So, while loitering in the cold, pissing, living weather, a contingency of Jersey muses insisted on placing a spell on not one, but three door guys; the magic portal thus allowing me to walk past them unnoticed.  I choose to think in terms of pure rationality, but sometimes these foundations are rattled, as to the existence of magic and muses and such.  Here is some culled videos from my shaky hands:

This photo, as poor as it is, is the lovely lady playing a Bo Diddley guitarra:

If I had any idea that my mediocre camera would pick up any legible sounds, there would be much more than this here.  So it goes. 


O-Face said...

I'm insanely jealous right now. The stars aligned for you, Chazzy!

chaz alcatraz said...

I hope they are! The stars, with ample humor, applied proper cosmic duties by ballasting the awesomeness of this experience with me being wedged in behind a total screamie chad, tribal tatoos and all, who took pictures the entire time. The other 4 or five videos and all the other pics I took are mostly of this fucker's arm and idiot screams. But I have no room to complain here...

In other addendum, I'm gonna go ahead and call it: Allison White, or maybe Jack Mosshart, is going to happen. They did this whole June Carter/Johnny Cash tension thing, so it may take a while, but it sure appeared to be beyond any sort of Nashville allegory/stage antics thing. Thems twoose is in love. It only makes sense.

O-Face said...

I'm pretty sure Jack White is married. To a model.

Stranger things have happened.

chaz alcatraz said...

marriage? hmmm. Some people, on occasion, seem to shed ethical duties to both deities and tangible human beings alike, in the interest of self interest...

but yeah his wifes like to the 9's hot-probably all waifed out on hop when shes not puking herself to sleep on the bathroom floor or whatever supermodels do (catwalktrash is no exception here, but she writes reeeely good songs). Im just prattling on, but seriously there was definitely like a whole insane-not staged-totally fucking-possibly even "in love" sitcheeation. And seeing as how i have relegated myself to sounding like some dipshit on a -what are the stars doing now- show, i vanish into the shame of the shadows Ive cast...