

Yet another patent that should have been mine... This time, The PediSedate: an attachment for the Gameboy (or iPod, or whatever) that dispenses nitrous oxide. But don't get too excited--it's for use by professionals only.

I wish I'd had one when I was a kid: it would've made even the shittiest games I owned (i.e. "Alfred's Chicken" or "We're Back!") exciting.

Jump on the spring, dive into the balloon. Jump on the spring, dive into the balloooo... oooOOoo! Ba... loooo... nnnnneeeee.... What's this weird thing attached to my hand? Chicken? Chick-a-chick-a-chick-ken-ken-ke-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Here's a gloriously lame video (with a smidge of 'graphic' content) explaining why The PediSedate is the greatest thing since whip-its.(Note the kid, staring at his hand, STONED OUT HIS FUCKING MIND. Oh, and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" playing in the background.)

Wish I had one now. I could fall asleep while playing "Super Mario World 2," happy and numb... instead of staying up all night playing it.

(Via Technologizer)

Totally Random Postscript: Does anyone else feel like "Gifted" by N.A.S.A. (featuring Kayne, Santogold, and Lykke Li) should have been... I don't know... better?

N.A.S.A. - "Gifted" video from Anti Records on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

This is amazing.

Also, then entire N.A.S.A. album should have been a hell of a lot better.