
This Is Me in My Twenties

A recent day in my life:

Sleep for four hours.
Wake up.
Drink a bottle of water.
Watch the movie Tron.
Drink another bottle of water.
Take my dog for a walk.
Eat, again.
Drink another bottle of water.
Watch the movie Milk.
Eat, again.
Drink another bottle of water.
Work out.
Drink another bottle of water.
Eat, again.
Watch several episodes of Skins.
Not smoke any cigarettes.

(I'm no Eugene Mirman. I know.)

Basically all I do anymore is eat. And watch stuff. Quitting smoking (which I am officially trying to do) sucks. Though I'm not entirely sure why I'm doing it. I don't see myself as a non-smoker. When I imagine doing things, like reading, watching movies, sitting in a park, bullshitting with friends... there are always cigarettes involved. We'll see how long this lasts.

Markley, I know you want us all to come out for Pitchfork (I know this because I'm the creepy administrator who checks to see if there are any unfinished draft entries) but I vote that everyone should come out for Sasquatch.

My favorite person of the week is O-Face.


tinygrooves said...

ok maybe that'll work. sasquatch does look like fun. i realized how irritating telling everyone that they should come out to pitchfork might sound, so i didn't make the plea. however i think everyone should.

see the reason pitchfork will be awesome has to do with the lack of camping involved. tents and tents full of overly posturing hipster kids seems annoying to see. so maybe of the fests get crossed off my summer plans. sxsw, cmj and pitchfork occur in places where you don't feel like the events will become the indie version on burning man....

but yeah sasquatch would be great......with you kids.

Eric said...

Whoa, I thought you were in your thirties. I was way off.

Ryan said...

It's an O-Face quote, or rather, half of one. I believe she was fake-arguing with Smash when she said, "This is me in my twenties. If you don't like it, you can fuck off."

O-Face said...

I'm resurrecting that quote.

O-Face said...

Oh yeah and p.s.

when is sasquatch? Its at the gorge, right? I'm in.

Ryan said...

It is at The Gorge, and it's Memorial Day weekend (May 23rd - 25th).

O-Face says the darndest things!

Dallas said...

I'm with Ryan. Come to Sasquatch. Let's make it a thing.