
for fans of the O.C.

the creator of the O.C. has a new indie rock web sitcom entitled Rockville, CA. Thought you all might be into it, since everyone seems to be a fan of his and Skins.

Click here to jump to the WB website where the first four episodes are streaming.

I'm about to check it out, but apparently the website is running like its servers are from 1995......It might be good, or it might not. But at least in idea it seems interesting.


Eric said...

I'm not a fan. False assumption.

Ryan said...

Eric: Take note of the title of the entry.

Eric said...

Ryan: Take note of the second or third sentence of the entry.

Ryan said...

Eric: Logic would imply that the title of the entry disclaims to whom the contents therein are intended. It is fair then to assume that, as you do not count yourself a fan of The O.C., there was never an assumption made as to your personal feelings for the show.

Unknown said...

Ryan: Logic would also imply that John A. Markley would not have to state TWICE that either, A. the entry was in fact for O.C. fans and, B. he assumed that most readers were O.C. fans. Were he to believe the first of the two statements wouldn't the second be null? Perhaps he was just placing a post and I was stating my distaste for shitty, pathetic, snobby teen dramas.

Dallas said...

Who the shit is Joseph? Why do I feel like Eric recruited someone to argue for him? What the hell?

tinygrooves said...

haste makes for posts with the most comments, as the urfckd readership often picks apart the grammar, syntax, spelling and lack of capitalization of its entries.

i assume most of the readership is into the OC and that therefore they may like rockvilla, ca. i suppose i ought to flip the title and the setence in question, for that follows my logic more closely.

but i'm not sure i even like the OC. so who knows why i even posted this in the first place.

Ryan said...

I love you, Dallas.