
Coming Out

I would like to share a very personal story with all of you, and I hope that you learn something from it. It means a lot to me, and has shaped the person I have become.

Last year, I came out, which was actually not as difficult as I imagined it would be. I thought I might feel isolated. I had never been a fan of wearing clothes in some flashy color scheme, or gaudy accessories, or parading around declaring my pride for something I had absolutely no responsibility in becoming. I knew that I didn't really fit into the group of which I am a part. I was worried, and I was scared. What would people think of me? Would I be accepted? But I knew deep down that with my friends by my side I could do anything, be anyone. And I was right. Sure there were dark times of binge drinking and promiscuity, but my friends were there for me, to lift me up the whole time. They gave me the strength to carry on. They showed me how to put one foot in front of the other. And for that I am thankful, because really, it was my friends that forced me to confront the truth about who I am by dragging me to Butte.

So today, I say to you with pride: I am Irish (not really...)! 

No, but really, I love this holiday, so go drink some whiskey and make out with twenty or forty seven people, because that's what it's really all about.


Dallas said...

To be fair, it's more like 17 or 47 (a number that will, hopefully, sustain me through this SPD, as I will not be participating this year.)

Ryan said...

Those numbers were random. And I'm pretty sure you made out with 38, not 47.

Dallas said...

37, actually.

O-Face said...

So...you're not gay? You're just a ho?

Ryan said...

That appears to be the moral of the story, at least for today.

chaz alcatraz said...

So if someone “comes out”, does this mean that if they change their mind, that they “go back in”? or would one “come back in”, as it were? Or perhaps, if one were to play on both sides of the fence, would one thus say “I’m going out”? (but with a (( don't worry about it, i'm going out and i'll come back in when im ready )) sort of inflection...) I’m “coming and going”? Brick wall. Pesky words. I’ve had the pleasure of reading this blog from time to time, without a reasonable computer that accepts information from a keyboard. Fortunately, I have urfckd saved on favorites, so i can look at it with savvy mouse manueverings. Tommorow or the next day (depending on nyc ups) imac w/24in.screen + mad skills is, uhhm, "coming over" to my house for at least 3 years of apple care (special thanks to Eric and Ben R on this particular choice; price and relative portability for recording, 4GB memory vs. 2, and on and on). Not to sound like I give special objects "ears" so they can hear my sweet nothings. What is that called? specialofeelia? objectospecturalusis?

Happy paddy days bitches.

hugs and missez.

over and out.