
This Is A Movie (Or: Really?! What the Fuck Hollywood?)

Some piece of shit called (drum roll): Donkey Punch.


Ryan said...

That is incredibly fucked up. Was there absolutely no other possible title that may have better described the movie?

Eric said...

Well according to the trailer, things go bad when one of the girls gets donkey punched while being filmed having sex...so go figure I guess. Maybe it's a PSA about the dangers of the trend of donkey punching.

Ryan said...

I have to say, though, that after watching the trailer, despite how incredibly horrible it looks, I'll probably end up watching it. I'm a sucker for bad suspense films.

tinygrooves said...

the photo link died. so i have no idea what the F you are talking about. but i will be the movie poster is hilarious.......

Dallas said...

The impetus for this movie is a fatal donkey punch?

Oh jesus. That one sounds like a winner.

Dallas said...

That said, I will probably end up watching it also.