


Christian Bale goes apeshit on a lighting technician during filming for the new Terminator movie. Luckily, someone had the foresight to record the rant AND make a dance mix of it.



Dallas said...

I listened to the entire, unedited recording of this rant and the only thing I have to say is:

When did Christian Bale develop an Australian accent, faint though it may be?

Luckily, since (in my reality) Christian Bale isn't doing the Terminator movie, I can safely say that (in my reality) this never actually happened.

O-Face said...

Since he's Welsh do you think it just might sound like Austrailian since he was angry? Like how the Irish sounds like a Scotsman when he's drunk?

Not that that's what I think, but I'm just saying.

Have fun in your reality, where I can safely say that you also think Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull was never made. I wish I lived with you sometimes.

chaz alcatraz said...

To tie in with the greater 'what has technology done for us/we'll appreciate it soon you'll see goddammit/adapt-or-parish' arguments (see tweeter)I'm going to backtrack and have to say: screw you internet for allowing me to see a champion in last place. If that was indeed CB (whereupon I throw in my cents that this is just free advertisement promo malarkey to captivate the "what will that crazy actor do next" audience ((think Kinski)) ) then the internet has ruined the image of CB as patriot actor who mostly plays fetch with his dogs at his cabin in Maine or wherever when he's not busy acting in films that are somewhat decent to remind us that there is still a crevice where a glimmer of what the American Hollywood actor who never was, but could be, might still be alive. If that was in fact CB, my heart is broken over this shitpoor rant-accent he spoke in. If you're CB and you're pissed, I think you could go ahead and yell in a make believe language if you want to, and indeed have to, because after all what else is left. The pissy-crazy-way fucking talented cards have all been pulled, and I think CB knows that and would'nt reduce himself to such 'you hit my minivan with a shoppingcart' parking lot pissing contests. I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit because when people film movies there's usually a camera or two extra around to match up a visual with the extraordinarily placed boom mic's to leak such havoc.

O-Face said...

do you think maybe its movie dialogue?

that would be interesting.

chaz alcatraz said...

Could be... (I think I am going to attach a breathalyzer machine to my internet access, kind of like how repeat offender DUI's have them in their cars. While drunk me is prone to winded rantings, I also keep buying things on ebay that I can't afford and don't need)