
franz ferdinand vs wavves

so if you want to pretend you're going to hip rock shows in nyc with jared, just hit up this site, nyctaper.com.  it offers free downloads of live shows of bands such as wavves and belle & sebastian.  the sound and the bitrate of the mp3s are both high quality...and its free.... how can you beat that.  i find it a good way to check out what's going on in the nyc indie scene.....

more music miscellany to come.

but for the moment i'm working up something hilarious to say to eugene mirman when amanda, ben and i go to his book reading on friday night.  ben might get his chest autographed.  but i'm hoping to post some insane photos this saturday of us with eugune drunk at some bar.  here's to keeping my fingers crossed.

(and to those readers such as eric in seattle, he's doing a free reading there to.  so don't be sad......)


Dallas said...


Ryan said...

I bought the book today. I look forward to Harry Potter-ing it, by which I mean not sleeping until I've finished reading it.

Dallas said...

Ok, so I'm currently listening to "Tonight." Up until track 12 I was kind of, 'eh.' I mean, it's solid, and I was tapping my foot and nodding my head and generally enjoying it, but kind of in the same way I enjoy The Faint, which is to say I like it/them, and I'm not displeased when it's/they're playing, but I don't ever consciously put it/them on.

And then I got to "Katherine Kiss Me." And I've listened to that track like... wait, let me check... 7 times already. Something about that line, "Katherine kiss me, flick your cigarette then kiss me," just slays me.

What I'm trying to say is, thank you for posting the album.

¡Tony! said...

Yay I can see eugene WOOT. Going to nyc is always better than streaming it but considering I'll have even less of a chance of going there now that I'm relocating again, I'll have to check out the site

O-Face said...

will someone mail me a eugene book they've finished reading so i can partake in the excitement? i'm out of the literary loop.

p.s. i'm 3 songs into the franz shit and i'm digging it so far. can't wait to get to track 12 to see if dal was onto something.