
Billy I'm Not Ready


Damn you, Skeet Ulrich! You're like the Barry Watson of cinema in that you ruin everything. You're like the King Midas of shit. King Shitas. At least they killed him in that one episode of Family Guy.

I heard a rumor that Crispin Glover is being cast to play the next joker...Those are some big shoes to fill. But if anyone remembers him as Cousin Dale in Wild At Heart, I think he might just be the only other person fit for a role like that. But really. Not having Heath Ledger is gonna sting. Feel the burn.

Also if anyone has ever heard his 1989 album "The Big Problem Does Not Equal The Solution, The Solution Equals Let It Be" let me know. I've heard a couple tracks and it's utter insanity. A guilty pleasure though. Apparently he included his home phone number on the back of every album so that when the purchaser figured out the 'big problem', they could call him and tell him what they thought. Apparently he was surprised at the amount of people who figured it out. I am not one of them.

There's a track called "Clowny Clown Clown" (about...duh) and then one called "Auto-Manipulator" about masturbastion that made its way onto a random mixtape I got from a dude at a craft fair. Gems!


Dallas said...

What did Skeet Ulrich ruin this time?

Incidentally, my family once had a Keeshond named Skeet. He too ruined everything. And then he ran away, and we didn't really put much effort into finding him.

I bet if Skeet Ulrich ran away, Hollywood would react similarly...

cbsplaysdirty said...

I love Skeet Ulrich and loved the show Miracles he was in with Angus McFadyen. Jericho was cool too. He looks better now than that 10yr old pic. Met him at Comic Con and he is wicked funny and cool -- so not Hollywood prickish like most actors.