
Objectum Sexuality.

I consider myself pretty accepting of alternative lifestyles. And sexual fetishes. You know, whatever wings your wang, I'm pretty much down. I might not be game, but it's your thing. Do what you want to do (I can't tell you who to sock it to...)


This is fucking insane. Literally. And I insist you watch it. Or at least that you watch the first five or so minutes of part two.

It's about people who fall in love with objects.

From Associated Content:

With objectophilia, feelings of love, attraction, arousal, and commitment are focused on a particular object, and the mere thought of a relationship with an actual human being seems ludicrous. The politically correct term for the individual in love with an object is Objectum-Sexual.

Issues crop up in Objectum-Sexual relationships, just as they do in any type of relationship. One man found that he was particularly aroused by the inner workings of mechanical objects, and this often led to affairs. He would cheat on his beloved, a steam locomotive, a simple repair job would lead to all sorts of trouble for him. Incidentally, his steam locomotive partner is male to him. So, technically, as he will admit, he is living in an Objectum-Sexual, gay relationship.

Watch Married To The Eiffel Tower [Part 1]  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Watch Married To The Eiffel Tower [Part 2]  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Via my friend Melissa, who is awesome (and who insisted I watch this while we did the webcam thing so that she could watch my reactions).


Aa said...

My reaction to these videos consisted of a reflection on the state of many modern relationships, and how the featured objectophiles actually seemed to be better adjusted that many others.

Think of the women who, time after time, find themselves in abusive relationships. Men who go out night after night trying to fill the void in their hearts with parades of faceless women. People who obsess over those who have done them wrong, or who have never even met them.

There are so many people who are in dysfunctional relationships that are worse than objectophiles. Even the women and men that actually objectify their sexual partners are more effed up. At least these objectophiles appear to be trying to grapple with mature and complex emotions.

Perhaps loving an object can yield more happiness than the average human relationship of today.

Ryan said...

Your argument is flawed. Just because these women can't be abused by the inanimate objects with which they are in love, does not mean that their relationships are healthier than those you provide as examples. For one, the objectum-sexuals have delusions of the objects communicating with them, which, to me, does not paint a picture of sound mental health. Also, roughly half of people who identify as objectum-sexual suffer from Asperger's Syndrome.

And to say that they're "[grappling] with mature and complex emotions" seems an inaccurate interpretation of their lives. Did you see the part where the woman refused to accept her third place trophy? That seems terribly mature. To me, they all seemed rather emotionally stunted.

I'm not saying that it's wrong, but I think you're defending them for the wrong reason(s).

Unknown said...

Inanimate objects cannot show love. Those that believe that they are in love with an object feel that they are receiving love from it, when in fact they are project that love on themselves through the object. What it comes down to is incredible self-loathing and mild psychosis. Besides, apparently there is just as much, if not more infidelity associated with these people and the nature of their relationships as any human to human (aka, fucking normal) relationship. Besides, I'd take the clap over whatever rust-related infection is associated with loving large pieces of steel.

Ryan said...

Tetanus. And I concur.

Aa said...

Aside from the Psych 101 stuff we all know - they're delusional and projecting self love/loathing and are psychotic - they don't get beat up, murdered, or get AIDS/syphilis and die. I think that their delusions, therefore, offer a less lethal/violent outcome and are therefore physically healthier.

I would never argue that objectiphiles aren't completely and totally effed up in the upstairs department. Their delusional state is obviously a method employed to avoid the reality and uncertainty of real relationships.

Also, I wouldn't accept a third place trophy either...