
internet social networking is making me an introvert

i used to love myspace.  and facebook.  i enjoy being able to keep in touch with certain friends that geography separates me from.  these sites offer easy ways to look up old friends, or send a note to someone whose e-mail address or phone number you've lost.

but everytime i go on myspace, some stupid band wants to be my friend.  on facebook, its one of my friends telling me i need to be friends with this or that person that i knew when i was seventeen and totally forgot existed.  my energy is thus wasted considering whether i need to add bands to my friend base or whether i might what to say something to an old friend that is now fat and has kids.

i really just want ryan cote to write something funny on my wall.  or get a funny comment or e-mail from any of the other bloggers on this page.  

i don't care about your band.  or your event.  or your cool new little group on facebook.  i'm content without these social considerations.  and if i haven't talked to you in ten years, maybe sending me an e-mail isn't going to change my mind.

things won't change.  other than the fact i may check all these stupid accounts less.  i do have better things to do.  it's all those fake friends that are ruining the internet for me.


Ben said...

Oh, so Ryan's the only one you want writing on your wall? I'm totally going to blog all over MySpace about how much I hate you now.

(Also, I've had a pretty crazy week since I left Chicago... you should give me a call soon and I'll explain the haps.)

Ryan said...

Sadly, internet social networking has become basically the only social networking I partake in anymore. Leaving the house? No thanks. Calling people other than Eric, Tony, or Nate to hang out? Probably not going to happen. I will admit, though, that this brand of isolation may prove maddening.

O-Face said...

agreed. one day we will all make phone calls and write letters again. it will be the social networking apocalypse of 2010.

until then we'll just have to deal.