

Via Engadget:

Hey guys! Guess what?

"Girls can like, totally rock now!"

The game developers for Wii and PS2 finally realized that those of us not naturally equipped with a joystick were having trouble getting into Guitar Hero and Rock Band. And you know what our problem was?

No, silly: it's not because GH and RB are like, seriously lame games.

It's because they haven't produced "some seriously rockin' game controllers!"

Thankfully, PDP teamed up with Disney's Ally & AJ [Author's Note: Who the fuck are Ally & AJ?], and as of mid-October, riot grrrrls everywhere will finally be able to "choose either the rockin' pink Strat-looking guitar with red skull and crossbones motif, or the totally rockin' pink heart-shaped guitar with purple zebra print," both for the "rockin' price of $69.99."

Thanks dudes! Now I can like, totally truly feel my self-worth or whatever. I was afraid to play such a masculine game, because like, I'm a girl. It was totally the sad-tastic coloring of the old controllers that made me not want to play and stuff. But now, armed with my pink plastic heart-guitar-shaped game controller, I can like, totally rock on while flipping my hair around and looking (acceptably) bad-a$$. And girly!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

This sounds like it could really cut into my Mario Kart time... Oh wait, I already unlocked everything...