

Are there ever those moments when you see something so innovative it causes you to lose your bowels?! This was it:

I've always wanted a soccer game that uses the entire body to play lifelike soccer. Oh, and I always wanted my friends to help me pick out the perfect dress for that awesome party...Taylor is going to be there and I need to look really cute so we can maybe make out, he's so dreamy.


O-Face said...

I know, right?!!

I felt like I was in Total Recall or some shit when I was watching this.

Welcome to the future, it's terrifying.

Ryan said...

Run in place like a d-bag when you could actually be playing REAL soccer! (Also, take note that when she "kicks the ball" the sound effect they use is totally a golf club hitting a ball.) No need to ever leave your house again. Game night with the neighbors? Fuck that, they're black! Shopping with a girlfriend? What's the point? She's going to convince you to dress like a Quaker and then scam on that guy you like.

Also, has anyone considered that game play is going to be incredibly slower because it takes a hell of a lot more effort to move your entire body than to just press some buttons?