California, Here We Come
Objectum Sexuality.
I consider myself pretty accepting of alternative lifestyles. And sexual fetishes. You know, whatever wings your wang, I'm pretty much down. I might not be game, but it's your thing. Do what you want to do (I can't tell you who to sock it to...)
This is fucking insane. Literally. And I insist you watch it. Or at least that you watch the first five or so minutes of part two.
It's about people who fall in love with objects.
From Associated Content:
With objectophilia, feelings of love, attraction, arousal, and commitment are focused on a particular object, and the mere thought of a relationship with an actual human being seems ludicrous. The politically correct term for the individual in love with an object is Objectum-Sexual.
Issues crop up in Objectum-Sexual relationships, just as they do in any type of relationship. One man found that he was particularly aroused by the inner workings of mechanical objects, and this often led to affairs. He would cheat on his beloved, a steam locomotive, a simple repair job would lead to all sorts of trouble for him. Incidentally, his steam locomotive partner is male to him. So, technically, as he will admit, he is living in an Objectum-Sexual, gay relationship.
Watch Married To The Eiffel Tower [Part 1] | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Married To The Eiffel Tower [Part 2] | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Via my friend Melissa, who is awesome (and who insisted I watch this while we did the webcam thing so that she could watch my reactions).
I Like Crap Like This.
I like how this worked out, which is the only reason I'm posting it. Also, I do not claim to be proficient in things like Photoshop, so I will make no apologies for the simplicity of the text's format.
The full quote is Albert Einstein:
When you look at yourself from a universal standpoint, something inside always reminds or informs you that there are bigger and better things to worry about.
Ok. My internet break is now over. Back to the grindstone.
Ryan and I Already Did This (Or: I Deleted the Post Because I Was In a NyQuil Haze)

My buddy Jamee turned me on to this on Facebook (yea, suck); could be interesting for everyone though.
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”
or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Ran
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interestin
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Photoshop it
black lips and other such garage oriented rock.
Reading: It's an Adventure
You'll Never Walk Alone (Or: How The Blog Earned a Theme, Maybe)
Blahscars (Or: I Watch Too Many Movies. [But: Don't Be Confused By the Format of This Title, This Post Was Not Written By Eric.]) and Other Stuff
For Jared (Or: Anyone Else Who Wishes to Read)
In other news: I was riding the 3 bus down to school yesterday, when a horrifying smell reached my nostrils and sent me into shock. That's right, I experienced my first public transportation shitting (the responsibility of someone else not me, I maintain continence), it was quite the experience.
High Speed Trains
love is all.
More Great News From the Awesome Front
Sorry to keep the random posting up. Ratatat is showing up at the Showbox SoDo, on March 29th. I know this may mean jack-schit [sic] to most of you, but I'm fckng [sic] excited about this whole thingy.
Road Diary Chapter 1
Not a lot to say. Its weird being at a transitional point but at the same time it's very refreshing to not be bound to anything except what you can't live without. And at this point these items consume an entire wagon styled car. So for those that don't know, I have left DC, and I don't advise that anyone move there ever. I'll rant on this subject at a later date, but for right now I'd like to share some pictures I took in the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico where I was just at yesterday. It's a very Sci-Fi looking place, like something out of the old Star Trek show. Enjoy:
Queen of the Universe
They're re-making Barbarella.
Robert Rodriguez is directing, and he cast his girlfriend Rose McGowan to replace Jane Fonda. She's pretty much the only one of today's actresses (in my opinion) who oozes sex appeal and doesn't mind exploiting herself for the good of cinema, so I think it could work. I'm almost more interested to see what Rodriguez's take on space looks like.
It's sort of uncanny. Maybe they just photoshopped it since the rumor is the film is as yet unfinanced. BUT Rogriguez is directing the 2009 release Red Sonja starring-you guessed it, Rose McGowan. I think we have a muse in our midst.
Oooh I like the posters a lot. And I'm obsessed with redheads. I may be a convert soon.
Lick it up, bitches!
An Old Classic: Or What I've Been Up To Recently
1. I don't know too much about comps, I'm running PT LE8 through a newer generation iMac that runs great and handles RTAS DSPs pretty well. For LE, I'd recommend a decent amount of RAM and a sizable duo-core. A refurbished Mac would suit well.
2. I don't recommend anything lower than an MBox 2 Pro, primarily for the sake of the firewire interface that the 2 Pro has. Lag becomes a huge issue when recording anything externally, especially during record/playback. The USB interfaces make it feel like you can be playing up to an 1/8 note behind the record playback, which sucks and means that you have to do more takes and quantize.
3. As far as mixing consoles are concerned, I'd look at the Yamaha MG124CX. It's affordable and comes with a 12-channel and 4-bus channel capabilities and has a built-in compression system. That or I'd look at the smaller Behringer Eurorack series, it's what I use and it's perfectly fine for a bedroom Pro Tools setup.
4. As for affordable cardiod mics, I'd personally recommend, the Beta 57a. It's a go-to for almost any instrument setup (sans drums obviously, vocals and acoustic guitar). If you're looking for a good, rich and most importantly, affordable condenser mic I'd recommend the KSM27. It's pretty cheap and good all around. I would recommend, that whatever mic(s) you go with to run a HPF somewhere around 75-90Hz to cut the room noise that you get in home recordings.
But I digress. Seattle's insane. School's amazing. I love showing up for class everyday, even though I wake up a few days a week at 6am to catch the 7:15 bus. My history degree was in vain. I'm still settling in, but I've adjusted to the city exceptionally. Some photos of the things I've been up to:
Dinner: Fettucini with fresh clams. Did you know that "Buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo." is a complete sentence in the English language? Damn right!
Anyways, not much else is new. I'm going to see This Is A Process tomorrow at Chop Suey (that one's for you Ben) and I'm waiting for Tony to get up here soon so we can make some music.
handsome furs.
I don't even really consider nipples nudity unless its a tasteless photo or in real life if someone whips her titty out (Courtney Love shout-out). Then it's weird. But alas...
The next two are in a joint gold frame that's impossible to take a photo of.
("Lady Problem")
("Look to the female")
Happy Fuckin' Valentines Day....
I think people are scared of boobs. Out of all the paintings I made, coincidentally all the ones with boobs didn't sell. But that means I get to keep them so it's not a total loss.
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot. I hope you guys appreciate this gem. Whaaaat?
Happy V Day, Y'all.
franz ferdinand vs wavves
What would Ben Rouner Do?
With limited budget, my main first query is around the mbpros; any particular models to stay away from (as I will be going the refurbished route), and what would those in the know consider to be the base ghz/RAM edition for quickly and reliably running mainly protools/audio programs? I may dabble in filmaking down the road as I got a gig doing film archival stuff, and some work doing scores for some small film projects, which leads me to believe I may not want to skimp on processing power whatsover when working within video editing.
Where I would have to begin being seriously cost efficient will be in the arena of Mbox/digidesign hardware. The mini doesnt have enough inputs necessarily, but Im not opposed to it because its so damn cheap. Any feedback on Mbox 2 vs Mbox 2pro? Good stories/horror stories with any of these (especially around latency/general performativity)? The main selling point for having at least 4 live inputs would be the drum kit, other wise I really only need 2 anyways. Anything out there that is the toyota 22re of hardware; that is, I could find it used much cheaper and count on it lasting a while?
Any soundboards you would stay away from, or utterly recommend for small home studio?
A yes or no will suffice if no one wants to incriminate themselves or this blog, but could one count on "finding" plug-ins/other programs out there? I know that historically the answer to this is in constant flux, so at the moment, could one pirate if one chooses to go pirating?
Any cardioid mic feedback? I cant believe how cheap some of the Sure cardioids are these days, but I feel like they may be so for a reason.
So many review sites assume $ is no object, hence I am curious what yalls with knowledge in this arena have to say.
P.S. I painstakingly uploaded a few photos from my phone:
The lovely Oneida

the blob in the middle is Thurston Moore. He's fucking tall, and knows alot about Volvos.

This license plate says blaxmaxx, with a brooklyn signature on the window.

and then there's this

I think Tony already posted this guy-who is going to be my next tatoo:

The empty space on my block where a building was, which perished on election night:


I Looked Left, and This Went Right.
I think I need to start paying attention to what's going on around me. For serious. I seem to miss a lot of what's worth noting, probably because I'm usually running on sensory overload. You know: listening to music while playing the Wii, trying to write while chatting with Ryan on AIM, watching movies while surfing the net, perusing music blogs while playing Wordscaper, or just having 96 fucking tabs open... It's got to stop. For me, at least.
Case in point: I DJ-ed at KBGA all of last year, which means I usually had access to new releases, usually a week or two before they were actually released. I'm friends with a group of music savvy folks. I have at least twenty music blogs bookmarked, and I check them pretty regularly. Sure, I don't consider myself a 'music person,' but dammit! I like music, and I try to at least keep up with what's new and notable.
I somehow completely missed Passion Pit's Chunk of Change EP, which was released in September of last year. What's sadder, I distinctly remember downloading at least one of their tracks from Elbows. And you know what?
It's pretty fucking awesome.
So, on one hand, I'm mad that I somehow managed to maintain a long-standing ignorance re: Passion Pit, but on the other hand, I'm kind of glad: it has (marginally) brightened my otherwise dull days here in Limbo. It's all dance-y (in a 'wave-your-arms-around-like-you're-drowning/interpretive-dance' kind of way, which is perfect for me) and all sappy-romantic-y (also perfect for me) and kind of gives me butterflies. And since the full length album is 'scheduled to be released in early 2009,' I feel like Passion Pit has potential to stay on my heavy rotation for at least a large part of 2009.
Here's the EP, in case anyone else missed it:
"Sleepyhead (Wallpaper Dio Remix)"
Other Stuff I'm Currently Interested In:
-I'm pretty stoked for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance- Now With Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem! I love Pride and Prejudice. I also love zombies. From what I've gathered, the guy who wrote How to Survive A Horror Movie has just interjected Austen's original text with zombie scenes... Which could potentially be Awesome (capital 'A') or retarded. Either way, it's on my book-list for 2009.
-This website both horrifies and amazes me.
-Finally, Nikki Farquharson's project "Rebuilding Expressions" takes all of those annoying little proverbs that people spew at you in cliche situations and 'updates' them for modern American society. It contains such pithy gems as:
Ok. That's all. I'm tired now. Goodnight.
P.S. I went out to smoke, and the clouds were arranged around the moon like this:
(With the ° being the moon.) And of course, all I could think was, "Penis-> Vagina."
Although, that would be a rather crooked penis. I have sex on the mind. Grr.
Billy I'm Not Ready
Damn you, Skeet Ulrich! You're like the Barry Watson of cinema in that you ruin everything. You're like the King Midas of shit. King Shitas. At least they killed him in that one episode of Family Guy.
I heard a rumor that Crispin Glover is being cast to play the next joker...Those are some big shoes to fill. But if anyone remembers him as Cousin Dale in Wild At Heart, I think he might just be the only other person fit for a role like that. But really. Not having Heath Ledger is gonna sting. Feel the burn.
Also if anyone has ever heard his 1989 album "The Big Problem Does Not Equal The Solution, The Solution Equals Let It Be" let me know. I've heard a couple tracks and it's utter insanity. A guilty pleasure though. Apparently he included his home phone number on the back of every album so that when the purchaser figured out the 'big problem', they could call him and tell him what they thought. Apparently he was surprised at the amount of people who figured it out. I am not one of them.
There's a track called "Clowny Clown Clown" (about...duh) and then one called "Auto-Manipulator" about masturbastion that made its way onto a random mixtape I got from a dude at a craft fair. Gems!
new music. yes.
An Open Letter To PPM
YOU GUYS ARE FUCKERS! In my original lease you failed to mention that my upon the end of the lease it would not default to a month-to-month basis. Rather you informed me that I would be renewing my lease upon paying for rent the month after the lease expired via a letter you sent...A MONTH BEFORE MY LEASE EXPIRED! Unfortunately there is nothing I can do besides provide you with a monetary sum of $200 in order to break my lease. After all, I have already paid tuition for a school in Seattle and really don't feel like sticking around in Missoula until my "new lease" expires. Furthermore, I'm aware I cannot legally sign anyone else on to the lease because the girl that I signed over from is still on the lease and is off in the South Pacific somewhere. Wow, PPM you really have me in a bind. I guess I have no choice but to pay you the $200.
Now you're telling me that I have to pay you rent from the first until the 19th because "the unit became re-rented on the twentieth". BULLSHIT, a package was delivered there on January 7th, that was collected by the current resident. Also you're withholding $590 from my deposit for "An installed storm window" (which wasn't broken but just need to be put back in place), "Window blinds" (which cost $90 at most) and rental and dump fee for a mattress. FUCK OFF PPM! I'm sure that if I don't pay the money you want you will certainly sue me and shoot my dog. That's a horrible thing to do to a poor college student. I'm not saying that you made the threat, but I think you would shoot my dog.
What are some other things that I think you would happily do? Here they are:
You would give Iran nuclear weapons, just for fun. And then give them a map with Israel circled several times with a big red marker.
You would make AIDS apples and sell them at elementary school cafeterias.
You would construct a cat grinding machine that grinds young children's beloved felines into sausage which you would force feed same said children.
You would molest thousands of children and get no pleasure out of it. You'd simply do it to molest children.
You'd kick old women down flights of stairs, film it and then put it on Youtube, starring PPM.
You would yell racist things at minorities, and speak of the "master-race rebirth".
You would set fire to hospitals, just for fun.
You would rent out shitty apartments to Jewish families and call it Holocaust, the sequel: Missoula.
You would take starving children from Africa and force them to watch episodes of "Next Top Chef", "The Biggest Loser" and 24 hours of the Food Network. Then you would feed them only dirt cookies and lint from all the crappy laundry machines in your shitty buildings.
Finally, you would continue to take advantage of young, naive college students and an unconcerned legislature to ensure the return of the Third Reich through your offices.
I'm not saying that you do or will do this things, I'm just saying I think you would do this things. This isn't libel. On that note:
GO FUCK YOURSELF PPM! I hope you fall out of a fast-moving van of some sort and explode in a ball of flames. I'm not going to pay you the $544.00 you want. See you in court.
Rub on It
Christian Bale goes apeshit on a lighting technician during filming for the new Terminator movie. Luckily, someone had the foresight to record the rant AND make a dance mix of it.
Billboard v. Pitchfork
Via NOTCOT, from Very Small Array:
Visual comparisons between Billboard's "Top 100 Hits of 2008" and Pitchfork's "Top 100 Tracks of 2008."
Click to see images in full.
Beyond the fact that I just like graphs, I thought it was interesting. Bitch about Pitchfork though we will, maybe it's time we give 'em some credit for recognizing such a broad spectrum of musical genres?