Dear _________,
Hey, it's been a while. How are you? How's the family? I'm doing well. Thanks again for the money! Even though my birthday isn't until the end of next month, it was still nice to receive and was quite the pleasant surprise. The weather's been incredibly nice although I hear it's suppose to get pretty ugly next week. School's good, thanks for asking. I'm learning a lot. The city is really nice this time of year. I was able to see some friends recently who came out for a weekend, that was quite a pleasant surprise as well. I'm trying to write as much music as I can while I have the time, but my neighbor blasts music all day long only interrupting it to play jazz saxophone and it makes it hard to concentrate on what I'm working on. Oh well, I suppose that's translated into me staying up until 3am to get work done. I think I'm driving in a 1988 Jamboree back to Montana for a few days this summer, the only catch is that I have to wear a captain's hat when I'm driving (I think that's very humorous and fun).
Nothing else is really new. I'm finding that I'm listening less and less to mindless dance and rap and more and more to good "real" music. Are you doing the same? Maybe it's because I've moved away from a mindless town that I've completely lost my affection for those genres. Although I never really had that much real love for them anyways. I suppose you could say it was a wonderful little college fling I had with them. Now I suppose it's time to settle back down with something serious, like indie, rock, folk, jazz, symphonic, etc. Those genres seem like they would hold down a job better and would be much more suitable parents/guardians. I remember a long relationship I had with indie a while back, it was really nice. Indie and I still managed to hook up frequently in college while I was seeing those other genres as well. Indie was always right for me, *sigh*. I wasted time and youth on those mindless genres only for their superficial qualities. I think I'm ready to go-steady again with Indie. Not that I won't listen to dance/rap's equivalent of porn from time to time, I just don't think I'm interesting in seeing a dance/rap genre seriously ever again. Hahaha, remember when I was hooking-up with mash-ups for a while?!!! What was I thinking?! I should probably go get tested after that one.
But I digress...Any big plans for the future? I built my first pre-amp today, would you like it? It even has a phantom power switch for those condenser mics we all love. Did you get the gift I sent for the holidays? I hope it fits, I remember you wear a medium right? Anyways, I'll leave you with some stuff I've been impressed with lately. Here's a great clip of NJ kids Titus Andronicus that I really enjoy, see if David likes it too (haha, we know he won't right?). Also, here's an Atlas Sound song that makes me really happy, Springtime (instrumental) click here! Remember that time we took that drive up to the lake in the late spring? That was awesome, I've never been so glad to jump in the freezing water than when I was chased by those bees. Bees sure hate water.
Your friend always,