movies you should not see (unless you're really bored)
Good Ol' Fashion Goodness
And Another Thing:
Something that I've been kind of irritated about all day (but probably wouldn't have mentioned had Ben not paved the way with his entry about Cartoon Network's self-rickroll as a metaphor for the atrophy of society's values and overall integrity) is the fact that when I went to CNN.com this morning, I saw this:
and immediately thought of this:
Really, the only thing that distinguishes CNN's banner from IMDB's is an exclamation point. One tiny punctuation mark, in this case, is the distinction between terrorism and what sounds like a hit tv show.
I know that we are a media-driven society, and that the bloodier and gorier the news is, the more likely we are to watch it. I know that news sources have to post footage of everything--and I do mean EVERYTHING--to remain competitive, to placate our appetites for (generally) useless, but oh-so-current information. I understand this. I also understand that there is a fine line between the news and entertainment. I understand this, because I am one of those people that news stations cater to, who checks the "Crime" section of CNN three times a day, hoping for carnage and mayhem. (I also know that it's hypocritical to find violence in movies totally acceptable but feel sick when I read about similar shit in the news.)
However, this... This seems wrong. Even to me. And my moral compass doesn't always point due north, so if I say something's wrong...
Or maybe I'm making mountains out of molehills.
Either way, I'm going to listen to "We Didn't Start the Fire" now and, like, totally sympathize with Billy Joel's self-righteous indignation.
I just don't know anymore
At dinner last night, I was informed that the Cartoon Network rickrolled their own float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Footage is below:
Personally, I'm horrified that this is the world we live in. I still think that The Simpsons really nailed the zeitgeist of our generation something like twelve years ago in the "Homerpalooza" episode. To re-apply the dialog to the topic at hand:
"Great. Cartoon Network rickrolled their own float at the Macy's Parade. That's cool."
"Dude, are you being sarcastic?"
"I don't even know anymore."
I'm not entirely sure why it bothers me. Maybe it's that I'm tired of the rickrolling internet meme, or just sick of basically all internet memes in general. What's especially strange is watching them grow into bizarre Frankensteins. Does the world really need the book I Can Has Cheezburger? A LOLcat Colleckshun? But do I even have any right to bitch about this, being that I'm guilty of buying Stuff White People Like? I feel like the problem perhaps is with originality, or lack therof. According to Wikipedia, rickrolling began in early 2007, when someone gave a link that was purported to be to the trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV, but instead, haha, led the the Rick Astley video. And yes, that's pretty funny. But why -- oh, for fuck sake's why -- was there the copycat instinct to repeat said idea over and over again. Is it our culture's equivalent to retelling a joke we've heard? Perhaps, it's just that innocuous.
Recently, I was searching for a screenshot of Demetri Martin's graph of his "Ability To Draw Mountains Over Time." YouTube had taken down the clip from the special and no one seemed to have a screenshot of it. The very first Google result leads to a copycat version, and for reasons I can't explain I got sucked into reading the comments section on that page. Many people pointed out that the graph was stolen from Demetri Martin, but there was a strange defense from a number of people about the theft. One comment that was just fascinating to me was:
"haha Demetri Martin. I love him. And this. Even if it is a rip-off of his Comedy Central special I don't care. Because no matter who says it or posts it... it's hilarious."Well, yes, the imitations are sort of funny, especially if you haven't seen the original, but ultimately it's just a dick move not to credit the source. Perhaps I'm overreacting. That's likely be the opinion held by the person who posted this:
"boy, all you people need to relax maybe the guy messed up. but you don't have to hang him. like you never made a mistake. take a fricking chill pill people if that is all it takes to send you on a spastic fit you will probably die at a very young age or you need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I just don't know anymore.
One thing's for sure: I'm going to put on my dancing shoes
Oh, Hood Internet... why must you be so awesome? I've been obsessing over this R. Kelly Vs. Casiotone For The Painfully Alone track. It's pretty damn bomb. I'm going to go listen to it another ten or so times in a row. I suggest you do the same.
Safe, Legal and... Fun?
So, Frida Hyvönen's new album Silence is Wild, which I mentioned earlier this week, is a solidly mediocre album.
Actually, that's being generous: it's a pretty crap album. But there is one track I really, really like-- a jaunty, waggish sort of number called "December." It's a surprisingly whimsical song, considering that it's about abortion.
"December" by Frida Hyvönen.
But then, when I thought about it, I realized that there are some really catchy songs about unwanted pregnancies and/or abortion; "Third Planet" by Modest Mouse, "Brick" by Ben Folds Five, "The Freshman" by The Verve Pipe... "Miracle" by Whitney Houston. "Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna. "Oasis" by Amanda Palmer (who's new album would on my Best of 2008 list, were I to make such a list.)
And movies! Unwanted pregnancies are the stuff of great comedies! Juno! Knocked Up! That episode of It's Always Sunny! Beyond the Valley of the Dolls! (Although, to be fair, that last one isn't really about the abortion, it just has an abortion in it. And I don't think it's supposed to be a comedy.) Um... Yeah.
I don't remember where I was going with this. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I didn't realize abortion, on top of being convenient, was so much fun.
(As it turns out, you can actually find t-shirts that say just that.)
Spin the bottle
Anyhow, I love the Kings of Leon (dirty suthern boys rock my world) and Lykke Li remixed this gem into a jam.
Kings of Leon-Knocked Up (Lykke Li vs. Rodeo Remix)
Also it should be duly noted that I have been hazy on the rules of spin the bottle until last night. I thought every individual had to actually make out. With their tongues. Am I alone in this logic? But I've also never played it, and thats probably why.
So, my friends...there is a first time for everything. At Kelsey Lundgren's birthday party with 15 other people including Smash and Cory (frmr msla) we had ourselves a great time. I think when Kelsey announced it was going to happen everyone scoffed at the idea, but imagine her throwing an empty tequila bottle on the floor, balls deep into her birthday party, and I doubt you would have said no either. It's a surefire icebreaker, and I daresay I didn't expect to have such a good time. Smash had the dumb luck of getting picked about 18 times, to my dos.
Thanksgiving was weird, spent it at a small unsuccessful party which later evolved into visiting a bar called My Father's Place, where Joe Danger launched into the single most terrifying and disgusting rant I think I've heard to date. He also picked Cory up and threw him over his shoulders as they left.
Smash and I spent all day inside hanging up our precious wall decor until deciding to join Cory for a sans-family Thanksgiving. Her mom and brother kept calling every couple of hours to make sure she was doing ok, which, I can agree would get kind of annoying after a bit. But in my case, I didn't hear from my family all day (and when you have 2, that's weird) and it really bummed me out. I can't say I've been depressed since I've moved to Portland, but that day wasn't exactly glorious. At least going out forced me to try and snap out of it. Which I did, until I called my mom a few minutes ago and sort of expected her to ask me how my holiday went after I asked her about theirs. Nothing. I just cant help getting bummed out about that.
Enough about that. I'll shake it eventually. We have antlers and pictures all over our walls and our apartment is pretty much glorious. It looks like the inside of the ten-thousand silver dollar bar. Also went to a record swap today which was wonderful. 2 KISS records, some NKOTB, a vinyl set titled "Fiesta" with many mexican favorites for listening and dancing, and a Hank Williams Greatest hits among others. I'd say it was a success.
Oh, and remember that Unicorn tapestry we had in our living room? Well, I noticed for the first time today that it has balls. Big, ridiculous Unicorn balls. The fact that none of us has ever seen them before is baffling.
Now I can't stop looking at them.
theme song for missoula
Thanksgiving in the South
I should be alseep, but instead this happened.

I have no excuses for this. Sometimes I just do things.
(Though it's potentially, perhaps, connected to the plan for the future, which also involves sock puppets.)
shove this in yr tape deck
21 songs and exactly one hour of indie rock yummy goodness..........
so here you go.......it's called....
cooler than yr American Apparel skinny pants
Believe E. S. P. - Deerhoof
The Year Before the Year 2000 - Les Savy Fav
Neon Undercarriage - The Joggers
Colours - These New Puritans
I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys
Retreat - The Rakes
Mathletics - Foals
Collarbone - Fujiya & Miyagi
Watch The Tapes - LCD Soundsystem
Gamma Ray - Beck
Halfway Home - TV on the Radio
Boy Void - No Age
Not a problem - Black Lips
(How Can I Keep You) Outta Har - King Khan & the Shrines
If You Won't Let Go - The Black Hollies
Painted Shut - Jay Reatard
Chains Of Love - The Dirtbombs
Coors Lite - The Japanese Motors
Mammoth - Interpol
Delivery - Babyshambles
Never Stops - Deerhunter
(ps, i'm going to try and figure out how to post a .zip file of this mixtape to the blog so you all can download it.)
if you think your job is bad....
so craig's list can be helpful. i have a job and an apartment thanks to the site, but you really do run across some strange shit every so often.......
like this ad..... and yes this is real.
An average of $12-$13 working with children! (Lincoln Park)
Reply to: job-932817817@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-11-24, 5:20PM CST
Note: Please read ENTIRE ad before applying
Hair Fairies the Headlice Helpers is Now Hiring!!
We are the only full service head lice removal salon in LA, NY, SF and Chicago dedicated to safely and effectively removing these pesky parasites in a clean kid friendly environment.
We are currently looking for a Hair Fairy Technician to join our growing team in Chicago.
This candidate MUST meet the following criteria: loyal, dedicated, multi-tasking, friendly, outgoing, energetic, result driven, trustworthy, hands on, no problem too big, motivated, self starter, patient, with basic computer knowledge and great with kids. There is plenty of room for growth, possible travel opportunities, Health Insurance and pay rate increase after three month probation period completed.
If I just described you and you’re looking for a career opportunity not just a job please contact us ASAP.
This is a part time position. Paid training. May lead to a full time position.
For more company info visit us on the web www.hairfairies.com
Justice vs. Pharoahe Monch...yea that good.
On Nothing Noteworthy.
An hour ago, before my internet connection decided to be bitchy, I had a blog planned. A pretty decent blog I think it might have turned out to be, too, involving country music (specifically, Brad Paisley and whippoorwills) and driving up the I-15 (specifically, driving up the I-15 with no cd player/tape deck and getting pulled over twice for going 5 over the speed limit, just because I was driving a car with California plates). But that was an hour ago.
Now, I only have 2 things to say:
1. KBGA has added Frida Hyvonen to the playlist. Which means, I have a new Scandinavian songstress to obsess over for the next couple of weeks, assuming, of course, that the album's not utter shite. If it's only kind of shite, I'll probably still listen to it on repeat.
2. I bought a new toothbrush. It's purple, and electric, and it makes my teeth feel all shiny and clean. I'm quite pleased with it.
(I am going to have to start reading again, in lieu of writing; clearly, I have exhausted my capacity for worthwhile/relevant/entertaining statements.)
Snoop & Martha
Found over on Boing Boing, as many strange and wonderful things are. There's a little overlap on the clips, but so it goes.
Re-Up or Die!
Enjoy! And add me on Myspace (myspace.com/thefirstfolio). Get that swagger on!
mixtape or die.
A Mixtape! (is coming)
All I can say thus far is that it begins with Megasoid's amazing remix of perhaps another awesome dirty south rap group (whose mixtape came out on Mad Decent last week and is fucking trill!) Paper Route Gangstaz's "Rollin" that moves into my remix of Re-Up Gang's "Fast Life". That's all I have so far but expect it to move through the genres of rap, mash-ups, electro, indie and yes, Bmore. It should be including two of my own remixes and is sure to be laden with several of my mashups both of prior creation and impromptu as I make the tape. Since I'm running out of room in my apt and my turntables are packed away I'm using software. What DAW am I operating on you ask? Well I'm glad you did: Ableton Live. I'm thinking that I'm going to edit, slice and chop in ProTools though.
Why am I writing this? Because I'm bored and now I hope that you all hold me to it. Three weeks to finish it, should be cake. What is the handle I'm using while on this quest for mixtape glory? The First Folio. And the title of the mixtape is Ol' Billy Shake n' Bake's Sonnets of Departure.
Love to the World!
Things I have done so far in Portland
In my short time in my new city I have already accomplished a couple things of note that I wanted to share with y'all. I would need at least 3 hours of research to come up with a top 10 of 2008 and since I am far too impatient for that, this is what you get.
1. Moved. Duh.
2. Saw a man with a cat on his shoulders walking through Safeway. Apparently they don't care what kind of seeing-eye animal you have here. And I was the only one in the whole store besides Justin who even noticed. Portland is weird.
3. Made delicious weed cookies. The ones we made without were even better.
4. Phoned the manager at the adult video store which I had applied for a job to tell him I was not going to be able to make the interview. It's just not going to happen.
5. Saw Joe Danger at his work, an amzing cajun restaraunt called Montage. Apparently his new nickname is Throbbin' Joe Dangerfield. I threw up in my mouth a bit when he decided to tell us as we were eating dinner.
6. Gotten lost. 5 or 6 times.
And I have spent the bulk of my time so far in my house unpacking. That part is't interesting, obviously. But it is quite a chore to fit a giant horse trailer's worth of shit into a two bedroom apartment. I never realized how huge the HOB was.
Miss you all. Come visit one day.
new jams for thanksgiving
MGMT was leaked way to early to feel like 2008
Why are these guys so good?

So by and far, I think that my favorite contemporary rap group (note: group not individual artist) is with out a doubt the Clipse. Their latest LP was scheduled to drop sometime this month but appears to be delayed (go figure). Yet they do have a mixtape coming out in the next week or two. I don't know what it is with these guys, maybe it's Pusha T's unique voice and delivery, but they always impress. Anyways, they have a new line of clothing that is being pushed here. So if you have a pocket full of stinkies from being hunched over a stove cooking that shit up, buy some gangsta ass clothing and post up on the corner like a mailbox.
What's all the mysterious hype about?

Ugh, redheads are nothing special, at all. I should have just gotten drunk with Ryan and worked on my childrens' theater adaptation of The Nightman Cometh. What a waste of time last night was. That's all.
Ben's End Of The Year (Part 3)

Well, I've been agonizing over this list much more than necessary. I've finally reached the conclusion that I'm not going to be able to do a top ten, and am switching it to a top five plus a boatload of honorable mentions. There were a ton of records I really enjoyed this year, but not many that really compelled me through and through. There's something a bit intangible that really gets me about these, more so than the rest of the contenders.
Anyhow, about my favorites:
1. Great Vengeance And Furious Fire
by The Heavy
Hands down, my favorite of the year -- despite the fact the release date is a bit of a grey area (as I understand things, it came out at the end of 2007 in the UK, and super early 2008 in the US). Nevertheless, I have listened to this album more than anything else this year, and I just do not tire of it. I started listening to it early in the year when we got the promo in at Ear Candy. I listened to it a ton this summer -- it became one of my default make-me-feel-good records. As the year closes out, I can still listen and still fall right into the fantastic dirty-garage-soul vibe.
Great Vengeance... is a goddamn sexy record. It sweats cool and swagger and sex without simply feeling exploitative. In part, I'm sure it's related to the way in borrows from 70's soul. It may talk a little coy and dirty to you, but it doesn't make you feel gross in the process -- which is a nice change of pace.
Part of the reason it has had such longevity throughout the year is that it doesn't just stick to one note. It'll go from head-bobbing tracks, thick with horn stabs and dirty guitars, and then drift into the slow and soulful. One could make the argument that The Heavy owe a little bit to Gnarls Barkley -- despite making very different records, there's a common ground in their production techniques, walking a fine line between retro and modern.
Bottom line, this record makes me feel good, and there's a hell of lot to be said for that.
2. Santogold
by Santogold
You may have noticed that a hell of lot of records that do not appear in my top five have cover art that does not feature anyone spewing glitter, whereas Santogold's self-titled debut does. Coincidence? Possibly. Don't rule it out as a factor, though.
I've spent a fair amount of time debating the spot of this album, and as a result of said consideration I've been spending a ton of time with the album again. Much like CSS' Donkey, the more I re-listen the more I love it -- enough so to bump it to the number 2 spot this year. I keep finding new things to latch on to. It's really a surprisingly diverse record. It seems to me that most of the hype she received was a result of the track "Creator" -- basically, because it's a track that screams "Hey, I can do M.I.A. at least as well, if not better than M.I.A. herself." That's true, and I even like the track, but frankly it's nowhere near the high point of the record. In fact, the B-side of the "Creator" single is album opener "L.E.S. Artistes" which plays like a New Young Pony Club track with a slower vibe. That's followed by "You'll Find A Way" which is sort of like a harmonious blend of The Police and Blonde Redhead. I initially tended to think of the album as a bit top-heavy, with the first half being stronger than the end, but that's not true. It's that I liked the vibe of those early songs so much, that I would sometimes forget about how good it it is when the tone switches to the flighty pop of "Lights Out" or the slow and dirty electro-fuzz of "Starstruck" or the Pixies-esque bassline that drives "I'm A Lady." There's just so much done exceptionally right on this record.
3. Microcastle
by Deerhunter
Cryptograms and the Flourescent Grey EP made my list last year -- perhaps, in retrospect, something that wasn't exactly deserved. It was on the strength of the EP, which was better than the full-length, as well as an awesome live show that really sold me. When I actually listen to Cryptograms, I like it a just a little less than I think I do when I'm not listening to it. However, Microcastle is solid start to finish, and really builds on the promise showed by Deerhunter. I often hate when this word is used, but it's definitely more accessible than past releases. I'm not sure that I have all that much to say about it, to be honest, other than "Yup, this is a fuckin' damn good record." Not so eloquent, but that's just going to have to be good enough.
4. Dear Science
by TV On The Radio
I know this is on most of our lists, and is probably a shoe-in for the vast majority of best-of lists that will appear in the press. As such, I don't feel I need to say too much about it. I'm still getting fully aquainted with the album, though I'm definitely comfortable enough to put it on this list. (It's not just peer pressure!)
I will say that as of late I've been just obscenely obsessed with the track "Love Dog" -- the delayed rhodes; the opening vocal "ooooooh" melodies; that moment where the horns first come in; the build into chaos... fuck... I love so many songs on this album, but there's something about "Love Dog" that catches my attention. It's lonely and beautiful and wintery and intense. Perhaps my affection for it does not say good things about my own mental state.
5. Donkey
by CSS
I was, I suppose, a little bit late to the party on CSS -- in part avoiding their 2006 debut because I couldn't dodge the huge amount of press it got. I know... it's snobby bullshit, but so it goes. When I finally gave it a real listen, I was drawn in. Even after I had fallen for it, I wasn't quite sure exactly why. Sure, "Alala" was a hot track, but CSS still felt like a guilty pleasure.
Nonetheless, I was excited when I heard they were doing another record.
I was surprised, though, when the first track that was leaked from the album was "Rat Is Dead (Rage)" -- loaded as it is with guitar hooks that seemed like they wouldn't be out of place on some girl-fronted alternative band from '97. Funnily enough, I actually quite dig the song now, but at the time I definitely was surprised, and fairly unsure of what to think. So, I put off giving Donkey serious listen when the album was released -- which was a mistake because, when I finally gave it a chance, it became clear that it was, in fact, immensely better than their debut. It just keeps growing on me more and more.
Alright, and now for the Honorable Mentions:
The Matador Singles '08
by Jay Reatard
This would have, no question, been in the top ten if I had decided to make a top ten. In fact, it was fighting pretty hard to be in the top five, but ultimately I had more to say about the other records. Please, Markley... still love me.
Volume One
by She & Him
Zooey Deschanel & M. Ward. Who knew it'd be so darn good? I don't even like M. Ward on his own, and I'm always skeptical of music projects by actors or actresses. Yet here comes this quirky and sweet throwback to the 60's. I'm surprisingly fond of this record.
by Fujiya & Miyagi
I continue to love Fujiya & Miyagi and that's that.
by Foals
Listened to it a lot. It cribs a bit from Q And Not U, but so what?
by Portishead
Took ya long enough, but hot damn.
Made In The Dark
by Hot Chip
Might be rated higher if only it didn't take "Out At The Pictures" a minute forty-four to start to get good. But it does take that long, and I'm petty.
by The Death Set
"Motherfuckin' Death Set! Motherfuckin' Death Set!" Absurdity. I love this record far beyond what reason dictates.
Stainless Style
by Neon Neon
Tied with Dykehouse for the gayest thing I love this year -- which is funny on less-than-or-equal-to two levels.
Crystal Castles
by Crystal Castles
Oh, if only this record was edited down just a bit... When it's on point, it's one of my favorite records of the year, but when it misses -- which happens just a bit too often -- I get frustrated. If I was doing a list of best hooks and loops, this might be way up there in the running for the top spot.
Oracular Spectacular
I feel like we're all supposed to be molecules within the wave of hipster backlash, or maybe we were never supposed to even like this record in the first place. It's a record that emphasizes just how much the grey area between indie and mainstream (stylistically, at the very least) has grown. It also is a reminder that I have absolutely no need to spend time contemplating what that grey area means. Anyhow, I've listened to this record a hell of a lot this year, and, it's still damn good -- or at least, the first two thirds of it are. It definitely falls apart a bit towards the end. It's going to be interesting to see what they do in the future. Perhaps they've got more fuzzy keyboard hooks and psych-weirdness that'll be worth not being too cool for.
Ben's End Of The Year (Part 2)
Really... I'm almost done with my list.. but while I put the final polish on it, here's part two of the miscellaneous bullshit:
11. Worst Album That I Secretly Hoped Would Be Actually Awesome -- A Hope That Stemmed Solely From My Love Of The Song "Le Disko" -- That, Thank God, I Didn't Buy On A Whim, Because Wow, It Really Is Just Awful:
Season Of Poison
by Shiny Toy Guns
Sigh. Oh, "Le Disko," at least we'll always have each other.
12. Absolutely Most Useless Guest-Drop Within An Unnecessary Remix Included On A 25th Anniversary Re-Issue:
Fergie on "Beat It" from Thriller (25th Anniversary Edition)
Kanye West on "Billie Jean" from Thriller (25th Anniversary Edition)
Why did these things happen? Why?
13. Stupidest Remix Move Apart From The Atrocities Listed Above:
"Paper Planes (DFA Remix)"
by M.I.A. (and, you know, that James guy that kinda looks like Markley)
Why in the name of fuck would you take the gunshots out of the chorus? Seriously? The chorus doesn't even make sense without them. I know, I know... who fucking cares anymore? We've all gotten absurdly sick of the original song anyway, but still. It's so clearly phoned in that it gets under my skin a bit.
14. Favorite Guilty Pleasure:
You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into
by Does It Offend You, Yeah?
There was no doubt when this came out. It was a fun record but not a brilliant record. But hey, sometimes you don't take a record home to meet the family -- doesn't mean you can't have some fun some night when you're both drunk. There's no denying that "We Are Rockstars" and "Let's Make Out" were great spring flings.
15. Artist Who Desperately Needs To Wait Until 2010 To Put Out Another Record So They Can Really Get It Right, As Opposed To Releasing The Merely Okay Skeletal Lamping:
Of Montreal
Yeah, Skeletal Lamping's okay. Not bad. Not great. Take a year off, Kevin. We get the Bowie thing you're doing, and it's cute and all. If you have a power animal, imagine it constantly whispering "Substance over spectacle."
16. Album That, While It Is Totally Good, I Can't Get Excited About Putting In The Top Ten, Or Even The Honorable Mentions, Mainly Because It Just Feels So, So Much Their First Record -- And Also Happens To Have A Really Dumb Title:
Directions To See A Ghost
by The Black Angels
Man, I loved Passover so much, and accepted that The Black Angels (much like fellow pysch-rockers Vietnam) were not really setting out to break any new ground. That's all well and good. But, for reasons I can't explain, I can't seem to get excited about their follow-up. I still intend to buy a copy on vinyl one of these days, but... I dunno... it just doesn't excite me at all, and I've spent most of the time since it was released forgetting that it exists. Also, it happens to have a really dumb title.
17. Artist Who I Feel Compelled To Hate On Some More:
Fleet Foxes
Vampire Weekend
God, I hate you both so much.
18. Stupidest Use Of Alliteration In A Band Name:
Fleet Foxes
Plus, it's the dumbest use of F's since the Foo Fighters.
19. Stupidest Use Of Vampires In A Band Name, As Well As Stupidest Use Of The Second Word In Said Band Name Happening To Start With The Letter That Consecutively Follows The Letter That Begins The First Word Of The Band Name:
Vampire Weekend
Yeah, take that. Fucking boat-shoe wearing dicks.
20. Length I Was Willing To Stretch For That Last One:
Fairly far, it appears.
Yeah... well... yeah.
why music almost sucked in 2008 and why i agree with ben
Ben's End Of The Year (Part 1)
Christ, is it really time for the end of the year wrap up already? I mean, on the one hand, thank god, because it means this year is nearly over. On the other, I feel as though a myriad of events and dramas have managed to get in the way of enjoying that much about this year, including music. Even as I write that, though, I can't escape the fact that what I've just written isn't exactly true -- it just feels like it is at moments. That's a bit backwards, I know. It's just part of the way the brain can sometimes stubbornly (it seems) get odd, particular facts wrong -- like those words that you always, always misspell; or singing the wrong lyrics to a song because it's how you first heard them.
Anyhow, since everyone else is beginning to weigh in on this, I thought I'd take my turn. I'm still finalizing my top ten, so before I get to that, I present the following miscellaneous bullshit:
1. Best 12-Inch Single That Should Have Been A Precursor To A Full-Length, But Said Full-Length Did Not Materialize:
Day 'N' Night B/W Dat New New
by Kid Cudi
Seriously... those two tracks are the fucking jam, but where's the rest? Gimme gimme gimme.
2. Worst Mainstream Single And Worst Music Video, Which It Will Be Good To Forget About Entirely:
"4 Minutes"
by Madonna
How many crimes against humanity does this video commit? You be the judge:
3. Track That Was Pretty Decent But Totally Should Have Been Better, Because It Definitely Fell A Bit Short Of Being The Jam:
"Run (I'm A Natural Disaster)"
by Gnarls Barkley
So close, and yet...
4. Album That I Really Should Get Around To Listening To Before The Year Closes Out:
Best Pyramid
by These New Puritans
Literally haven't heard a single second of this, but y'all seem to like it a bunch.
5. Album I've Simply Got To Say Something About:
Feed The Animals
by Girl Talk
The more I listen to this, the more problems I find. It's got moments where it's strange combinations are truly brilliant, but if I start analyzing it with any depth, the holes become apparent. Sometimes the schizophrenia just isn't that smooth -- one section goes to the next often just on the basis of matched BPMs but with no other genuine connecting thread. Perhaps, it's just having heard it so much that it's easier to pick apart the flaws, and one can certainly make the argument that it's rarely a good idea to delve too deeply into a dance record. All I know is that it's not getting anywhere near my top picks of the year.
6. Album That, Upon It's Release In Just A Few Days, Will (Hopefully) Be The Last Straw Before We Collectively Turn Against Auto-Tuned Vocals:
808s And Heartbreak
by Kanye West
Seriously, can we be done with this trend? Yes, every once in awhile it can be cool, but for the love of fuck, knock that shit off already.
7. Favorite Vinyl Re-Issue Of The Year:
Signals, Calls, And Marches
by Mission Of Burma
Black Star
by Mos Def & Talib Kweli
I kept trying to work out a joke about the Mission Of Burma re-issue, some play on "That's when I reach for my revolver," but I couldn't make it work. I kept writing down "That's when I reach for my revolving credit line" and then staring at it and thinking "That's definitely not funny, but there should be some play on this concept that is funny." You know what's worse than just not being able to put a joke together that your brain, against all reason, believes should really work? Wasting all this space talking about it just because I don't really feel like writing anything about either of these fucking amazing records.
8. Artist Who, In Theory, Should Have Been Awesome, But Wasn't Actually Even A Little Awesome After All:
Hercules And Love Affair
What a suckfest.
9. Artist I'd Be Super Pleased To Have Disappear In 2009:
Fleet Foxes
Vampire Weekend
Double suckfest.
10. Artist I Hated Last Year, Then Began To Like This Year, And Am Now Back To Not Giving A Shit About:
I hear her dad is a Onitsuka Tiger. What's that? Those are shoes, you say? Hmmm.... then what the hell kind of tiger is her dad?
Extreme Chakra Makeover.
I'm currently sitting in a conference room on the 15th floor of Wells Fargo Headquarters in Provo, Utah, listening to some lady (who is REALLY excited for the UVSC/BYU football game tomorrow) give a presentation on medicated acne washes and studies about elastin. Approximately the same second I realized that there was wireless in this building, I stopped listening, but I assure you: there are some truly a-MAZ-ing, fab-U-lous, ex-CIT-ing breakthroughs in the world of skin-care. Truly.
I've been in the SLC/Provo area for the past couple of days. My family is here for this conference, and I am here for some intense Rapid Eye Therapy (the R.E.T. is my birthday present from my mother). My 'therapist' is the Muggle equivalent of Professor Trelawny, and works via intuition; every morning, at 8 am when I arrive for my session, she and I do a series of... gestures, is what I think they'd be called, designed to "open our minds and hearts to intuition." Then she all but buries me with pillows and blankets in a massive, overstuffed armchair with my legs up on an ottoman, and uses a clear wand to make my eyes freak the fuck out, inducing a false REM cycle. Whilst I am in this REM cycle, she attempts to clear my chakras of the negative energy and patterns leftover from the birthing process and the 'trauma of being forced from the womb.' She then tries to reset the 'energy patterns of my chakras' by trying, I assume, to coax an epilectic seizure while having me yell "I AM NOT NOT I AM ALONE I AM I AM ALONE I AM NOT I AM NOT NOT ALONE I AM IAM NOT ALONE I AM NOT NOT I AM NOT NOT ALONE," and so on and so forth. Then she gives me a mint and sends me on my merry little way.
While this is exciting enough, it gets better: at the beginning of every session, I have to "declare my intentions" for the session. In this declaration, I ask for help from my "ministering angels," and she asks for the negative energy to leave the house after it has been sent from me (today she forbade the negative energy from inhabiting her appliances). So, it's basically an exorcism.
My mom brought me to Utah for an exorcism.
The best part, though, is the last part of my declaration of intent: I get to invoke 'healing by proxy.' Which means, I get to share my healed energy. She requires that her patients include her family, but I get to pick other people.
Guess what, bitches? I picked all of you. You're all getting exorcised by proxy. If y'all start feeling like you've experience a chakra colonic, you'll know what happened. You get all of the perks, with none of the aromatic oils or twitching or nausea.
You're welcome.
Anyway, more on how Utah is fckd later.
Dreamboat Lollipop
A Friendly Exchange
best two mixtapes of the year.
Enough with the sentimentatlities, let's party!
- I finished my thesis draft, it was difficult to complete but after countless hours of research and several distractions (everything from laughing at clips of monkeys swinging from trees to a visit from the ex) I happy to say it's now on to the final sprint. *Note: Monkey's are hilarious.
- Today I'm laying in bed, all day, because I have no homework or classes and I just don't give a damn. How many episodes of The Wire can you watch in a row, you ask? Ten, exactly ten.*
- As Ryan so phrased it, I'm very good at putting myself in situations. Yes, sir you are correct. You people have no idea the shit I'm up to.
- I'm now up on stage every Thursday pouring vanilla vodka down the throats of all the girls and boys that have nothing better to do that night. I'm pathetic and never thought I'd be doing that again, but then again I never thought I'd do those things on a yacht in international waters three years ago. The me from three months ago would hate myself right now, but I'm a hypocrite by trade so go figure.
- If anyone wants to learn some cool taekwondo and break some boards in my apartment, let me know. That's sounds like fun.
- Um, I want to get a dog but I want none of the responsibility. So maybe I'll rent one for a while. You can do that, right?
- Quick! Who would win in a fight: a handlebar moustache or a plastic fern (planting pot included)?
- "Shake it like you mean it, shake it like you mean it girl, shake it like you mean it." -Bun B. Because I hate it when girls shake it like they don't mean it.
- This site is awesome: Dickipedia
- I found this beer in the bathroom, someone left it. It's a little warm but still tastes ok.
- She gave him an HJ in the bathroom of Arby's?! So lucky!
- Is Hipster Runoff as anoing 2 evry1 Lse as it is 2 me?
- What should Barack Obama do as President? Karate perhaps?
- Did you guys hear that Cheney is being indicted in Texas?
- What's the best industry to make money fast? Cheese probably.
- What should Eric get tattooed on him next? Follow-up bonus question! Where on said body?
- How is Eric going to record O-face's vocals tomorrow without the appropriate music files?
- Do you guys like to party? I like to party. We should party together some time. Would it be alright if I kiss you?
- What should I name the dog that I rent?
- Does this post suck?
Here is an argument against universal healthcare.
Hey guys, take your shirts off, it'll impress the chicks!
In Honor of The End of TRL...
What I've overlooked the most and taken for granted in the moving away tunnel vision are all the people who surround me on a daily (well since I've been a shut-in it's probably more like bi-weekly) basis. Friends, mutual friends, and acquaintances. Sure, a bunch of us have moved. But we wouldn't be the people we are today without our times together. I can honestly say I'm a better person for knowing each and every one of you.
And yes, it is a blessing in disguise that we are leaving our nest, because then we can have a fresh and honest perspective of our respective cities that our friends reside in. No more bullshit travel guides for us.
I'm not an emotional person on the outside. You all know my embarassing phobia of cuddling, heart-to-hearting and confrontation but typing is a much better way to get your feelings out, especially when this is the week you have to say goodbye to everything you've ever known for the past 3 years. I'm not good with goodbyes. My mascara will be perpetually running this week.
This is a weird feeling. I can't wait to start my new existance in a new city, but will never forget where I came from.
I'm still Jenny from the block.
top ten albums of 2008
The Year In Numbers
urfckd going national finally
Hedi Wins Again
I have a feeling I'm going to be changing the banner photo with greater frequency. I recently stumbled upon Hedi Slimane's photo diary. For those of you who don't know, Hedi Slimane was the head designer for Dior Homme for many years. His interest in rock and skate cultures led to a rethinking of the male silhouette that often went beyond androgyny. He is credited with breathing life back into men's fashion, much the way Armani had many years before, though with a decidedly harder aesthetic. He left Dior last year, understandably, because the design house wanted exclusive rights to his name which would have eliminated the possibility of an eponymous line. Since his departure, Slimane has been focusing on his other passion: photography. While at Dior he published several collections of photography which documented the lives of rock musicians and their fans, and he has continued this pursuit. His work has been featured in many fashion periodicals as well as prestigious galleries. His eye for beauty often focuses on the juxtaposition between simple and complex, as it did in his collections, and while his photos are by no means profound, they document an everyday beauty that seems to be forgotten as we hurry through our days. Slimane is also known for showcasing young musicians and is credited with discovering Eight Legs and These New Puritans.
Needless to say, I admire his work. His photo blog can be found here.
The Shortlist
So, I've been thinking a lot lately about my favorite albums of 2008 in preparation for putting together my Top Ten of 2008. In no particular order, here's the shortlist:
Portishead - Third
Beach House - Devotion
Fujiya & Miyagi - Lightbulbs
Cat Power - Jukebox
Portugal. The Man - Censored Colors
Talkdemonic - Eyes at Half Mast
These New Puritans - Beat Pyramid
The Kills - Midnight Boom
Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
TVOTR - Dear Science,
Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer
Ratatat - LP3
Clinic - Do It!
There are a few more that I haven't listed because I haven't been diligent about listening to them start to stop in one sitting. Please let me know if there's something you think I need to listen to before I make my final verdict, I know I've missed a lot of releases this year.
Yes we did.
Thank God. I think we are proud to be Americans for the first time in years.
I made two girls feel like assholes today because they admitted to me that they didn't vote and i went all crazy on they bitch asses. Karma points!